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Zetro edited this page May 22, 2014 · 10 revisions


The configuration interface can be reach as a webpage on http://localhost:<config_port>/config where the default port is 8081.

There are six source files directly associated with this module, which can be found in the relevant directories:

  1. the main module source code, responsible for handling all requests in the configuration interface
  2. config_base.html base template file
  3. config_setup.html template file for Setup
  4. config_game.html template file for Settings
  5. config_bridges.html template file for Bridges

Configuration file

Everything under Setup and Settings can also be changed manually in config.json.


  • game_name - name of initial game module to start (default: "default")
  • game_path - list of paths to where games can be found (default: ["src/games"])
  • lampdest - address to lamp server (default: "localhost")
  • lampport- port to connect to lamp server (default: 4711)
  • serverport - port the game server will listen on (default: 8080)
  • configport - port the config server will listen on (default: 8081)
  • stream_embedcode - HTML string with stream embed code (default: "")
  • light_ssl - set to true to connect to the lamp server with HTTPS
  • light_certfile - only needed if light_ssl is true
  • light_pwd - password used to authorize with the lamp server
  • config_ssl - when true, run config interface on a HTTPS server
  • config_certfile - only needed if config_ssl is true
  • config_keyfile - only needed if config_ssl is true
  • config_pwd - when set, password needed to access config

Configuration interface


This page contains settings for connections and external services. Some of settings may require that the server is restarted.


  • Status Show the current connection status to the lamp server.
  • Lamp server Address to the lamp server and what port to connect to. (default: localhost:4711)
  • Game server port This is the port the web server that serves the game interface will listen on. (default: 8080)
  • Config server port This is the port the web server that serves the configuration interface will listen on. (default: 8081)

Note: Do not use the same port for game and config or the game interface will not be able to start.


  • Embed code The content in this text area will be inserted in the game interface and is primarily for embedding a live stream player. (default: empty)


This pages is used to change game and game settings.

Changing game

All games found in the game paths is listed to the left and the current game can be changed directly by clicking on any of the listed games. Note: Changing game paths has to be done by editing game_paths in the config file.

Game settings

Game settings are shown on the right and will show the config template specified by config_file in the the running game module. For more information, see the documentation on game settings for each module.


This menu handles all the Hue bridges that are used. It lists all bridges the lightserver knows about, sorted by their MAC-address.

Identifying Selected

By selecting bridges with the checkbox, you can tell the bridge to blink all the lamps associated with this bridge by pressing the "Identify Selected" button.

Valid username

Each Hue bridge needs a username. This acts like a password so unauthorized people cannot send commands to your lamps. Each bridge in the table has a property "valid_username" which tells you if the lightserver knows about a valid username for that bridge. By clicking the property, you can tell the lightserver to generate a new username. A confirmation box will appear and you will have to physically press the link button on the bridge before accepting.

Adding bridges

You can add a new bridge by writing its IP address in the textfield and pressing "Add bridge."

Removing bridges

You can remove bridges by select them with the checkboxes and then pressing "Remove Selected."

Refresh List

A cached copy of the bridges will be saved on the webserver to decrease waiting time. If any changes happens to the bridges it will not be shown however. You can force a request for a new version by pressing the "Refresh List" button.

Search Bridges

If you know there are bridges on the same local network as the lightserver, you can have it search for them. It will do that by a broadcast message and by reading the Philips website. This search may take some time though and after about 20s you must refresh the list by pressing the "Refresh List."


This page is used to configure the lamp positions in the grid and the dimensions of the grid. The grid overview shows the positions where lamps are placed and the status of those lamps.

Color coding (interface)

  • white no lamp placed
  • blue a lamp is placed here and no errors found (note: the lamp server can't know if a lamp is reachable or not)
  • red a lamp is placed here but there is no bridge with this lamp id

Color coding (lamps)

  • white activated lamp
  • blue placed lamp
  • red removed lamp

Placing lamps

Before placing the lamps, it is recommended to first turn off any running games. It can be done directly from the grid page by clicking on the Turn Off-button.

When you open the page, a lamp light up and then can you say which lamp was lit. This can be done either by clicking on the overview or manually enter the position and then click on Place Lamp. Attempting to place a lamp on an occupied position will instead remove the currently placed lamp on that position and queue it for placement.

Changing size

Changing size is done by entering the dimensions as widthxheight and then click Change Size. Note: This will clear the grid and because of that the Change Size-button will be disabled to prevent loss of unsaved changes. Saving or refreshing will reenable the button.


  • Save Send and use the grid on the lamp server.
  • Refresh Discard the local grid and request the one currently used on the lamp server.
  • Clear Clear the grid from placed lamps.
  • Turn Off Cancel any running game and turn off all lamps.
  • Run Diagnostics Run diagnosics to test the grid on the lamp server.


  • No activated lamp there is either no more lamps available that isn't already placed
  • Invalid position the position were in an incorrect format and couldn't be parsed be the server
  • Invalid size the size were in an incorrect format and couldn't be parsed be the server
  • Invalid lamp the placed lamp is no longer valid and can't be placed
  • Saving failed given when the lamp server couldn't save the grid