Ansible role to install and configure a Spacestation 14 server on Debian.
ss14_name: "ss14"
ss14_unix_user: "{{ ss14_name }}"
ss14_unix_group: "{{ ss14_name }}"
Unix user and group the server runs as.
ss14_net_port: 1212
ss14_game_hostname: "Foo Station"
ss14_game_description: "Foo Description"
ss14_game_maxplayers: 64
ss14_log_enabled: true
ss14_log_path: "/var/log/ss14"
ss14_admin_log_enabled: true
Self explanatory.
ss14_skip_install_dotnet: false
Skip installing the dotnet runtime.
ss14_net_tickrate: 30
Reducing tickrate to 30 is basically unnoticeable but reduces server, client and network load dramatically.
ss14_game_lobby_enabled: true
Enables the lobby instead of straight up throwing clients into a game.
ss14_auth_mode: 1
Enforces authentication so that ALL connecting clients must have a proper account. Otherwise, guest logins are allowed. Possible values here are: 0 (optional), 1 (required), 2 (disabled)
ss14_download_url: ""
Url to download the server from. Must be bumped to update to a new version.
ss14_loki_enabled: false
Whether to send the server log to Grafana Loki.
ss14_loki_name: *str*
The name of the current server, set as the value of the "Server" label in Loki.
ss14_loki_address: *str*
The address of the Loki server to send to.
ss14_loki_username: *str*
If set, a HTTP Basic auth username to use when talking to Loki.
ss14_loki_password: *str*
If set, a HTTP Basic auth password to use when talking to Loki.
Install via Ansible Galaxy or clone the Repo
ansible-galaxy role install sleepy-nols.spacestation14
git clone [email protected]:sleepy-nols/ansible-spacestation14.git
- hosts: ss14
- sleepy-nols.spacestation14
Contributions on are welcome. :)