Liiklus [li:klus] ("traffic" in Estonian) - gRPC-based Gateway for the event-based systems from the ones who think that Kafka is too low-level.
- horizontally scalable gRPC streaming gateway
- supports as many client languages as gRPC does (Java, Go, C++, Python, etc...)
- reactive first
- Per-partition backpressure-aware sources
- at-least-once/at-most-once delivery guarantees
- pluggable event storage (Kafka, Pulsar, Kinesis, etc...)
- pluggable positions storage (DynamoDB, Cassandra, Redis, etc...)
- WIP: cold event storage support (S3, Minio, SQL, key/value, etc...)
- - 25+ microservices, an abstraction in front of Kafka for the Shared Log Infrastructure (Event Sourcing / CQRS)
The easiest (and recommended) way to run Liiklus is with Docker:
$ docker run \
-e \
-e storage_positions_type=MEMORY \ # only for testing, DO NOT use in production
-p 6565:6565 \
Now use LiiklusService.proto to generate your client.
The clients must implement the following algorithm:
- Subscribe to the assignments:
stub.subscribe(SubscribeRequest( topic="your-topic", group="your-consumer-group", [autoOffsetReset="earliest|latest"] ))
- For every emitted reply of
, using the same channel, subscribe to the records:stub.receive(ReceiveRequest( assignment=reply.getAssignment() ))
- ACK records
Note 1: If you ACK record before processing it you get at-most-once, after processing - at-least-once
stub.ack(AckRequest( assignment=reply.getAssignment(), offset=record.getOffset() ))
Note 2: It's recommended to ACK every n-th record, or every n seconds to reduce the load on the positions storage
Example code using Project Reactor and reactive-grpc:
val stub = ReactorLiiklusServiceGrpc.newReactorStub(channel);
.flatMap(reply -> stub
.window(1000) // ACK every 1000th records
batch -> batch
// TODO process instead of Mono.delay(), i.e. by indexing to ElasticSearch
.concatMap(record -> Mono.delay(Duration.ofMillis(100)))
.sample(Duration.ofSeconds(5)) // ACK every 5 seconds
.delayUntil(record -> stub.ack(
Also check examples/java/ for a complete example
The project is based on Spring Boot and uses it's configuration system
Please check application.yml for the available configuration keys.