Wrapper around NetMHCpan3.0 and a C++ implementation of our peptide similarity to self
determination code for running on *nix systems. Results are stored in a PostgreSQL
database for future lookups. The $USER is assumed to have read/write access to this
database, named binding_affinity
Binding affinity predictions are stored as such (example from the A0201
peptide peptide_score_log50k affinity percentile_rank
ELVISLIVE 2.48e+04 6.48e-02 29
SYFPEITHI 1.55e-01 9.32e+03 13
STS predictions are stored as such (example from the STS_A1101_1.9
peptide different_from_self
- Install PostgreSQL on your system, initialize a database named "binding_affinity" and couple a database user to your Linux user account
I.e. start psql
from the shell and type:
CREATE DATABASE binding_affinity;
CREATE USER my_user_name;
Clone this repo to a local directory and compile and install this package, probably most easily done by running
in the root directory -
to know what user and database to use. You can do this by defining any config file (found using the regex:.*quickMHC.*\\.yaml
) in the following directories (ordered in descending priority):~/.config
, the current working directory, the location of quickMHC's installation.
Example contents of this file:
db_user: m.slagter # Or whatever db_user you created in the first step
db_name: binding_affinity
- Load quickMHC in R session
- Create quickMHC object and query peptides of interest
## For binding affinity predictions
BA_predictor <- BindingPredictor$new(hla_allele = 'A0201')
## Peptide will be computed the first time around, will be looked up from database in
## subsequent queries
# peptide peptide_score_log50k affinity percentile_rank
# SYFPEITHI 1.55e-01 9.32e+03 13
## For STS predictions
STS_predictor <- STSPredictor$new(hla_allele = 'A0201')
# peptide different_from_self
- Make location of NetMHCpan configurable
- Add functionality to create self lists for STS computation. Low priority, since STS is not contributing much predictive power.
- Allow for user defined 'predictor' wrapper functions
- A Singulariy/Docker container with both this package and the database pre-configured