This project contains the following branches which correspond with steps in the Udemy Python MultiTrack Training course.
- a Step 001 - baseline project
- a step 002 - create banking project and data files
- a step 003 - assigning data to variables
- a step 004 - different variable types
- a step 005 - explicit casting
- a step 006 - extracting our data
- a step 007 - casting our data
- a step 008 - base conversions - hex to decimal
- a step 009 - parsing dates
- a step 010 - functions
- a step 011 - collecting our data
- a step 012 - control flow
- a step 013 - iterating our collection - tuples
- a step 014 - iterating our dictionary
- a step 015 - creating custom objects - transaction object
- a step 016 - creating custom objects - account object
- a step 017 - including transactions in the account object
- a step 018 - Packages and Modules - MVC
- a step 019 - Reading Data Files - the Transaction file
- a step 020 - Reading JSON Files - the Accounts file
- a step 021 - Add Closing Balance to the Account Model
- a step 022 - Calculate Closing Balance
- a step 023 - Writing the output file - generating JSON
- a step 024 - Creating an App Controller
Note that in versions 3.8+ of Python on Mac the buttons may not display the text. To get around this, use ttk.Button instead of tk.Button and remove the font size from the arguments to the constructor.
- a step 029 - Lay out the input and output frames
- a step 030 - Add button controllers
- a step 031 - Read data files - accounts and transactions
- a step 032 - Parse the data files and output the result
- a step 033 - Tidy up the code for the Banking GUI