A discord bot that allows you to generate pastable messages
and reddit posts/xposts.
Leverages the pycord python library
#TODO Dockerfile
Developed on Python 3.8.10
pip install -r requirements.txt
You will need to enable message_content
Navigate to https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps, scroll to the bottom and
select create another app
- fill in the name
- select
as the type redirect uri
may require a value, even though we don't use it, you can put inhttp://localhost:8080
Take note of yoursecret
, the client_id is not as nicely labeled, but under the name
Copy the config.ini.example to config.ini
Copy the praw.ini.example to praw.ini
guildid = 1234455667788
bottoken = asd987sdf987df9s87fs98df7
guildid is your discord servers unique id. Right click your servers icon
in a discord client and select Copy ID
bottoken obtained after creating your bot in the discord developer UI
main_sr = your_main_subreddit
main_sr_flair_buy = asdf8-asd9f8asdf-asd9f8asd9f7
main_sr_flair_sell = fgf78g7f8-fg8f7g8f-f7g8fg7
secondary_srs = second_subreddit
secondary_flairs_buy = 8d7fd87f8d-we76w7e67-df67
secondary_flairs_sell = 87676df7-d8f7d8-we67w6e
main_sr is the main subreddit to post your message to ie: elitetraders
main_sr_flair_buy the flair id to assign to the post in the main subreddit
when the mission type is Loading
main_sr_flair_sell the flair id to assign to the post in the main subreddit
when the mission type is Unloading
secondary_srs secondary subreddit(s) to cross post your main post to.
This can be a comma separated list of multiple ie: elitecarriers,anothertrade
secondary_flairs_buy flair for the secondary subreddits when the mission
type is Loading
. If you have 2 secondary subreddits, you should have 2
flairs comma separated as well
secondary_flairs_sell flair for the secondary subreddits when the mission
type is Unloading
. If you have 2 secondary subreddits, you should have 2
flairs comma separated as well
Use the /trade flairs subreddit
command to look up flair ids for any subreddit
user_agent identifying name for your api requests to reddit
client_id client id obtained from the reddit app
client_secret client secret obtained from your reddit app
password your reddit login password
username your reddit username
Make sure:
- discord bot has been created
- bot invited to your discord server
- reddit app created
- both config files created and updated
Run the following python3 bot.py
Your bot should now have registered the /trade
slash command(s) on your discord. Try it out!
/trade mission
/trade flairs subreddit