Pre-releasethis version contains only a few fixes and one fix for a pretty minor issue: not being able to delete posts from your profile if boosted. to fix this, not only did i have to ensure the items all had the post's ID in them for me to remove them; i also had to make the remove procedure compatible with removing multiple appearances of a post (e.g. the original post and the boosted post above). and tbh, i have no idea if i implemented it correctly. it seems to be working on first glance, but iit might just crash due to an out-of-bounds index in some other cases - i don't know. if someone would like to take a look at the code, it's the changes in this file that worry me: 9a985aa?diff=split#diff-f3f7419da82b15b4d44525822d98703fb58454c3577e48a0417cfcfd079221a3 (especially how removeStatusDisplayItems is called, and how the indexOffset is handled). please try removing posts, and removing posts in threads if you have time, and let me know if it crashes!