A client which can send LoRa messages by given serial output and can send serial messages by given LoRa output.
I use this repo personally on a Wemos D1 mini Pro with the Lora module of Hallard https://github.com/hallard/WeMos-Lora.
I also created an Elixir Nerves project which can communicate with this project over a Raspberry Pi. Which can be found: https://github.com/sjoulbak/serial_lora_communicator
- LoRa (https://github.com/sandeepmistry/arduino-LoRa)
- Xxtea-lib (https://github.com/boseji/xxtea-lib)
- TaskScheduler (https://github.com/arkhipenko/TaskScheduler)
For any question please contact @sjoulbak
on the Elixir slack.
Any contribution is welcome :)