('-. ( OO ).-. ,--. / . --. / .-----. | |.-') | \-. \ ' .--./ | | OO ).-'-' | | | |('-. | |`-' | \| |_.' | /_) |OO ) (| '---.' | .-. | || |`-'| | |.-.| | | |.-.(_' '--'\.-. `------'`-'`--' `--'`-' `-----'`-' lozl-auto-contests © sirok1
- Installation and startup
- Logging
- Integration with Discord
- Integration with the bot in Telegram
- Available scripts
- Configuration file
- License
To begin with, it is necessary to establish dependencies
npm i
Running the application:
node .
Go to scripts/win and run "run.bat"
Available logging methods
- Direct output to the console (with "alwaysOn" off)
- Logging to the combined.log and error.log files (enabled by default)
- Logging via webhook in Discord, if this option is enabled in the configuration file
- Logging via a bot in Telegram, if this option is enabled in the configuration file
The app will send messages about its status and draw participation status to your webhook,
just fill in the discord_webhook_url field
If the integration with the bot in Telegram is enabled, the two-factor authentication code will be requested through it,
if necessary.
! The application will not start until you send the bot the command /start
Go to the application directory and type
npm run flush_settings
npm run flush_logs
"lolz_url": "link to the main domain lolz, the setting was added due to the frequent blocking of the resource, for example:https://zelenka.guru",
"alwaysOn": "This setting shows the application that it is running as a process. true, or false",
"license_token": "",
"login": "Forum login",
"password": "Your account password",
"profile_url": "Link to your profile, for example: https://zelenka.guru/members/3603915/",
"discord_webhook_url": "If you want to add webhook logging in discord, enter a link to it here, otherwise enter null",
"telegram_bot_token": "Integration with bots in Telegram, enter either your token obtained from @BotFather here, or enter null",
"ParseContestInterval": "Time in minutes in which to recheck draws, for the presence of new, enter a number here",
"twoAuth": "Whether you have two factor authentication enabled on your account, either true or false"
In this configuration:
- Disabled the integration with Discord and Telegram
- Two factor authentication enabled
- AlwaysOn mode disabled
! For security purposes, the password has been replaced by asterisks
"lolz_url": "https://zelenka.guru",
"alwaysOn": false,
"license_token": "",
"login": "mute0_O",
"password": "********",
"profile_url": "https://zelenka.guru/members/3603915/",
"discord_webhook_url": null,
"telegram_bot_token": null,
"ParseContestInterval": 5,
"twoAuth": true