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Sharlikran edited this page Nov 28, 2020 · 4 revisions

Data Table

property type default required description
type string - yes The widget type of this control ("editbox")
name number, string, function - yes "My Editbox", The label for the editbox
getFunc function - yes The value provider for the editbox. Needs to return a numeric value
setFunc function - yes The assignment function for the editbox. Needs to accept a numeric value
tooltip number, string, function nil no The tooltip to display for the editbox
isMultiline boolean true no -
isExtraWide boolean true no -
maxChars number - no Number value for example 3000
textType - no TEXT_TYPE_NUMERIC, number or function returning a number. Valid TextType numbers see: TextType
width string "full" no "full" or "half" width in the panel
disabled boolean, function false no Determines if the Editbox is disabled and its value cannot be changed
warning number, string, function nil no Shows a warning icon beside the editbox which has a tooltip with some warning text
requiresReload boolean false no Appends a special warning text and shows a reload button if the value is changed
default number, function nil no Default value of the editbox which is used to reset the panel to its defaults
helpUrl string, function - no A string URL "", or a function that returns one
reference string nil no A unique global reference to the control


  type = "editbox",
  name = "My Editbox",
  tooltip = "Editbox's tooltip text.",
  getFunc = function() return "this is some text" end,
  setFunc = function(text) print(text) end,
  isMultiline = false,	--boolean
  width = "half",	--or "half" (optional)
  warning = "Will need to reload the UI.",	--(optional)
  default = "",	--(optional)