The goal of this assignment is to showcase your ability to develop features and your coding style. Due to the time
constraint you will have to prioritize what you work on, and have to try and balance cleanliness with just getting it
Even though the app is small, one can easily spend the whole week working on it: perfecting styles, testing every single
method, or carefully crafting every single line of code. Please don't! Do as much as you can in about five hours and
share the results.
The most important part of the interview will come after this one, when we look at the app together, talk about the
decisions you have made, etc..
Install the packages and you're good to go!
# Install dependencies
# Run the app
yarn start
# Run the server
yarn start-server
# run the tests
yarn test
Get all users:
GET http://localhost:3004/users
Get user:
GET http://localhost:3004/users/{userId}
Update user(Put):
PUT http://localhost:3004/users/{userId}
Update user(Patch):
PATCH http://localhost:3004/users/{userId}
Remove user:
DELETE http://localhost:3004/users/{userId}
Full text search :
GET http://localhost:3004/users?q={searchText}
Get all tickets:
GET http://localhost:3004/tickets
Get all tickets with associated user:
GET http://localhost:3004/tickets?_expand=user
Get ticket:
GET http://localhost:3004/tickets/{ticketId}
Create ticket:
POST http://localhost:3004/tickets
Update ticket(Put):
PUT http://localhost:3004/tickets/{ticketId}
Update ticket(Patch):
PATCH http://localhost:3004/tickets/{ticketId}
Remove ticket:
DELETE http://localhost:3004/tickets/{ticketId}
Search by status :
GET http://localhost:3004/tickets?status={statusValue}
Full text search :
GET http://localhost:3004/tickets?q={searchText}
interface User {
id: number,
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
dob: string,
address: string,
interface Ticket {
id: number,
userId?: number,
number: string,
status: string,
Build a ticket managing app, where the user can add, filter (by status), assign, and complete tickets.
The app should have two screens:
the list screen and
the details screen.
Tickets could have one of these states: "assigned", "completed", "unassigned"
Please use the React Router to manage the transitions between them.
You can use any state management library you want (or none at all).
Write a couple of tests. The goal here is not to build a production-quality app, so don't test every single detail. Two or three tests should be good enough.
Don't forget about error handling and race conditions. The API server has a random delay. If you bump it up to say 10 seconds, would the app still work correctly?
💡 Feel free to use any of the popular react UI component libraries like MUI, Chakra-UI, etc ...
Please send us the link to your repo on GitHub, Gitlab, etc. We will continue to work on it during the pair-programming
sessions. Please also indicate approximately how long you spent on the submission.
- yarn installation
- node version requirement (v17 or later)
- react-router replaced by react-router-dom
- issues with shadcn, switched to material-ui
- WIP for editing assigned user for ticket
- autocomplete not showing the correct value when already available
- wasn't able to verify the saving of the assigned user
- Things to consider given more time
- Testing using React Testing Library
- reusing data rather than fetching every time for the detailed and list views
- reusing user list data rather than fetching every time when editing the assigned user
- using history.push instead of for react-router to preserve history but avoid rerendering the app