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Zeta is an HTTP access log parser that provides a formatting syntax for parsing data.


Erlang/OTP 14 or newer.


Clone the repository and run make or add the following to your rebar configuration file.

{deps, [
        {zeta, ".*", {git, "git://", "master"}}

Formatting syntax

The formatting syntax is simillar to Apache web server access log format.

The syntax Zeta provides for parsing the Common Log Format is like this:

~h ~l ~u ~t "~r" ~s ~B "~{referer}" "~{user-agent}"
  • ~h => host
  • ~l => hyphen (which is skipped when parsing)
  • ~u => user
  • ~t => date, time and timezone (e.g. [27/May/2014:19:28:31 +0200])
  • ~r => request line (e.g. GET /resource HTTP/1.1)
  • ~s => status code
  • ~b => content-length in bytes or “-”
  • ~B => content-length in bytes
  • ~{...} => header name


Parsing one line of data:

> Fmt = "~h ~l ~u ~t \"~r\" ~s ~B \"~{referer}\" \"~{user-agent}\"",
> Data = " - - [22/Jun/2014:19:28:31 -0200] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 200 5 \"-\" \"curl/7.33.0\"",
> zeta:parse(Fmt, Data).
{ok, [{host, <<"">>},
      {user, <<"-">>},
      {datetime, <<"22/Jun/2014:19:28:31">>},
      {timezone, <<"-0200">>},
      {method, <<"GET">>},
      {url, <<"/">>},
      {version, <<"HTTP/1.1">>},
      {status, <<"200">>},
      {content_length, <<"5">>},
      {<<"referer">>, <<"-">>},
      {<<"user-agent">>, <<"curl/7.33.0">>}]}

> zeta:parse(Fmt, Data, auto).
{ok, [{host, {127, 0, 0, 1}},
      {user, <<"-">>},
      {datetime, {{2014, 6, 22}, {19, 28, 31}}},
      {timezone, <<"-0200">>},
      {method, <<"GET">>},
      {url, <<"/">>},
      {version, <<"HTTP/1.1">>},
      {status, 200},
      {content_length, 5},
      {<<"referer">>, <<"-">>},
      {<<"user-agent">>, <<"curl/7.33.0">>}]}

Parsing a file in streaming fashion:

> Fmt = "~h ~l ~u ~t \"~r\" ~s ~B \"~{referer}\" \"~{user-agent}\"",
> {ok, Line1, F1} = zeta:parse_file("access.log", Fmt).
> {ok, Line2, F2} = F1().
> ...
> eof = FX().



Parses log data with a parse.

parse(Fmt, Data) -> parse(Fmt, Data, binary)
parse(Fmt, Data, TypeOrFun) -> {ok, LogData} | {error, any()}

Fmt = Data = list() | binary()
TypeOrFun = binary | list | auto | fun((Key = atom(), Value = binary()) -> Value1)

KV = {host, binary() | list() | term()}
   | {user, binary() | list() | term()}
   | {datetime, binary() | list() | calendar:datetime() | term()}
   | {timezone, binary() | list() | term()}
   | {method, binary() | list() | term()}
   | {url, binary() | list() | term()}
   | {version, binary() | list() | term()}
   | {status, binary() | list() | integer() | term()}
   | {content_length, binary() | list() | integer() | term()}
   | {HeaderName = binary() | list() | term(), HeaderValue = binary() | list() | term()}
LogData = [KV]

Passing binary or list as the third argument will convert values to Binary or List.

By passing auto as the third argument, Zeta will convert host to inet:ip_address(), datetime to calendar:datetime(), status/content_length to Integer, and it will return anything else as is (Binary).

By passing a function application as the third argument, the function will be applied to each key/value and the returned value will be used in the LogData.

The following example illustrates usage of a function application.

F = fun(user, _) -> nil;
       (host, X) -> X;
       (header_name, X) -> list_to_atom(binary_to_list(X)); %% but don't do this
       (_, X) -> X
parse(Fmt, Data, F).


Parses a file in streaming fashion.

parse_file(Filename) ->
    parse_file(Filename, <<"~h ~l ~u ~t \"~r\" ~s ~B\"~{referer}\" \"~{user-agent}\"">>)

parse_file(Filename, Fmt) ->
    parse_file(Filename, Fmt, binary)

parse_file(Filename, Fmt, TypeOrFun) ->
    {ok, LogData, ParserFun} | {error, any(), ParserFun} | {error, any()}

Filename = file:name_all()
Fmt = list() | binary()
TypeOrFun = binary | list | auto | fun((Key = atom(), Value = binary()) -> Value1)
LogData = LogData
ParserFun = fun(() -> {ok, LogData, ParserFun} | {error, any(), ParserFun} | eof)

Parses the first line of the file and produces an ananymous function to parse the next line. Each function call produces a function that can be called to parse the next line of the file.


Sina Samavati (@sinasamavati)


MIT, see LICENSE file for more details.


HTTP access log parser in Erlang




