Simphony Remote 2.1.0
Improve the quit and share application links:
- Improve the rendering aspect when those links are disabled (#506)
- Rename "Stop application" link to "Quit" (#519)
- Rename "Share (copy url)" link to "Share session" (#519)
- Move the share link above the quit link (#519)
- Those links now opens modal dialogs, a confirmation dialog for the quit link
and a dialog containing the application url and a share button for the share
link (#519) - Disable the share link for web applications (#523)
Autofill available images in the new accounting dialog and let the admin
choose the new application using a combo-box instead of typing the application
name (#511) -
Add rendering support for a big application list (#520)
Add SimPhoNy logo to the login page (#528)
Improve the admin home view by using an AdminLTE table instead of a basic
Bootstrap table (#537) -
Display AdminLTE loading spinner when starting and stopping applications
(#539) -
Add application logo to the start form on the user page (#541)
Report failure of unfound image when trying to grant access to unknown image
to a user (#542) -
Use deployment version of Vue instead of development version (#543)
Add column formatters for the datatable component (#530)
- Changing the URL user id number in admin accounting panel now refresh the
table (#509) - HTML input elements are not closed anymore (#524). They were not supposed to
be closed (see HTML documentation). - Fix error when clicking twice on the stop button when stopping a container
from the admin interface (#527) - Fix issue included in 2.0.0 with hard-coded username for server requests
- Changing the URL user id number in admin accounting panel now refresh the
- Fix TRAVIS build which was failing because of an update of the docker
version (#529)
- Fix TRAVIS build which was failing because of an update of the docker