* Tue Mar 06 2018 Liz Nemsick <[email protected]> - 2.3.3-0
- Updated TMOUT setting in /etc/profile.d/simp.sh to match EL7 STIG
setting (Reference: RHEL-07-040160)
- Added missing audispd program to simp_rsyslog::default_logs
- Added missing ' IPT:' message start to simp_ryslog::default_logs.
This is required for iptables violation messages because some
versions of rsyslog add a space separating the message
timestamp/id and the message.
* Wed Dec 13 2017 Nick Markowski <[email protected]> - 2.3.3-0
- Further aligned the EL7 disa_stig profile with scap-security-guide 0.1.33-5
- Added oval-ids to map puppet parameters to openscap tests and SIMP
remediations. Note this mapping is NOT complete.
- See simp/doc for a policy evaluation response report for CentOS 7
- Includes remedies and justifications to address failures in
the openscap scan
* Wed Nov 15 2017 Trevor Vaughan <[email protected]> - 2.3.3-0
- Aligned the EL7 disa_stig profile with the latest SSG content
- Fixed several parameters with incorrect data types