Release notes (https://hledger.org/release-notes.html#hledger-1-26-1)
hledger 1.26.1
- require safe 0.3.19+ to avoid deprecation warning
hledger-ui 1.26.1
support doclayout 0.4, brick 0.72+
require safe 0.3.19+ to avoid deprecation warning
At https://hledger.org/install, binary packages should be available for this release within a few days (look for green badges).
Or, you can build from source as described there, after cloning at tag 1.26.1
git clone https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger --depth 1 -b 1.26.1
Or, if there are release binaries below suitable for your OS and hardware, you can use those.
Note: release binaries have been updated:
- 2022-07-31: binaries have been generated with commit b0822c9, slightly newer than the 1.26.1 tag
to avoid a GHC bug. #1900
Here are some approximate per-platform instructions. (You can copy & paste each block of commands as a unit, to save time.)
GNU/Linux on 64-bit Intel
At the command line,
cd /usr/local/bin
curl -LOC- https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases/download/1.26.1/hledger-linux-x64.zip # can rerun this if interrupted
unzip hledger-linux-x64.zip
chmod +x hledger hledger-ui hledger-web
cd -
hledger --version # should show the new version
touch $HOME/.hledger.journal # ensure a default journal file exists
Mac on 64-bit Intel
In a terminal window,
cd /usr/local/bin
curl -LOC- https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases/download/1.26.1/hledger-mac-x64.zip
unzip hledger-mac-x64.zip
chmod +x hledger hledger-ui hledger-web
open .
# for the hledger, hledger-ui, hledger-web icons: right-click the executable, Open, confirm it's ok to run
cd -
hledger --version # should show the new version
touch $HOME/.hledger.journal # ensure a default journal file exists
Windows on 64-bit Intel
In a powershell window (press Windows-r, type powershell, press enter),
Make a place to keep hledger binaries, and add it to your PATH; this makes running hledger easier. You only need to do this once, not for every release.
mkdir -force $HOME\bin >$null
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)+";"+$HOME+"\bin", [EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)
$ENV:PATH += ";"+$HOME+"\bin"
Download and install the release binaries:
cd $HOME\bin
curl https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases/download/1.26.1/hledger-windows-x64.zip -OutFile hledger-windows-x64.zip
Expand-Archive hledger-windows-x64.zip -DestinationPath .
rm hledger-windows-x64.zip
cd $HOME
hledger --version # should show the new version
And ensure a default journal file exists:
out-file -append -encoding ascii $HOME/.hledger.journal
- Starting hledger/hledger-web by double-clicking their icon won't work; run them from a cmd or powershell window instead.
Next steps
Once installed, you could try these quick starts / tutorials: