A simple dev-server designed for all Single Page App (SPA) developers - don't let the reference to angular confuse you.
This is not, and makes no claims to be, a production server.
It returns a file if it exists (ex. your-icon.png, index.html), routes all other requests to index.html (rather than giving a 404 error) so that you SPA's routing can take over. The only time it will error out is if it can't locate the index.html file.
Originally designed for my Angular work, this dev-server will work with any Single Page App (SPA) framework that uses URL routing (React, Vue, Elm, ...).
npm install -g angular-http-server
cd /path/to/site
And browse to localhost:8080
Specify a port using -p <port number>
angular-http-server -p 9000
Open in a default browser automatically by using --open
alias -o
angular-http-server --open
HTTPS can be enabled (using a generated self-signed certificate) with --https
or --ssl
angular-http-server --https
You may manually specify the paths to your self-signed certificate using the --key
and --cert
angular-http-server --https --key ./secret/key.pem --cert ./secret/cert.pem
CORS can be enabled with the --cors flag
angular-http-server --cors
Specify a path to serve from
angular-http-server --path example
Specify the base href of the application, without leading slash
angular-http-server --baseHref myapp
Specify the rootFile of the application
angular-http-server --rootFile myindex.html
Specify the host of the application. It's used when open is true to redirect browser to navigate for the host. Example: http://mydomain.local:8080
angular-http-server --open --host mydomain.local
Disable logging
angular-http-server --silent
All options can be specified by a config file, optionally read via --config
CLI options take precedence over any options read from the config file.
angular-http-server --config configs/angular-http-server.config.js
Feedback via: https://github.com/simonh1000/angular-http-server
The config file can either export an object of parameters, or a function that will be passed in the parsed argv
from minimalist.
Simple example:
module.exports = {
p: 8081,
cors: true,
silent: true,
Complicated example:
module.exports = (argv) => {
const config = {
cors: true,
if (argv.p === 443) {
config.ssl = true;
return config;
The server contains a simple http proxy. The proxy must be configured in the config file. To enable this proxy:
angular-http-server --config configs/angular-http-server.config.js --useProxy true
To configure the proxy add a proxy object to your config file. The proxy should be an array of configs with two required properties: a forward property which must be a string array listing url parts which should trigger the proxy, and a target property which should define the target to proxy to. The config can also contain an optional protocol option, when this is absent the server will default to https
simple example:
module.exports = {
proxy: [
forward: ["api/example-api", "api-proxy/example"],
target: "localhost:5000",
protocol: "http",
forward: ["api/example-api-2", "api-proxy-2/example"],
target: "localhost:6000",
The --https
or --ssl
flags are intended for development and/or testing purposes only. Self-signed certificates do not properly verify the identity of the web app and they will cause an end-users web browser to display an error. This can be accomplished by using the self-signed certificate generated when you pass the --https
flag. An example of when you should use this feature is with end-to-end testing suites such as Protractor or other suites which require the SPA application to be served over https.
- 1.12.0 - adds host support (thanks jpwerka)
- 1.11.0 - adds proxy support (thanks AVierwind)
- 1.10.0 - adds --rootPath (thanks Aakash)
- 1.9.0 - adds --baseHref (thanks bertbaron)
- 1.8.0 - rewrite of path resolution (thanks dpraul)
- 1.7.0 - add option to include own ssl certificate (thanks dpraul)
- 1.6.0 - add --config option (thanks dpraul)
- 1.5.0 - add --open option (thanks tluanga34)
- 1.4.0 - add --path option (thanks nick-bogdanov)
Contributions are welcome, but do create an issue first to discuss.
Use prettier for formatting
Run unit tests with
$ npm run test
Testing - try:
node angular-http-server.js --path example --ssl -p 9000