A collection of boilerplates built with Next13, Firebase 9 & Tailwind. Boilerplates with unique use cases may use external services/third party apps which will be specified in the title or description of the individual boilerplate.
- I tried to offer a balance between unopionated styling and a good starting point using a atomic design framework.
- Every boilerplate denormalizes user data into its own firebase collection 'users' on signup.
- 🟢 Auth SPA : Authentication for Single Page App using Email and/or Social Providers
- 🟢 Paywall Subscription : Auth SPA extension with subscription paywall using Stripe
- 🟡 Auth Access Controlled Rooms : Auth SPA extension, users can form rooms/teams and collaborate on collection data in real time.
- 🟡 Auth Routed (Coming Soon)
- 🔴 Auth Products (Coming Soon)
🟢 - Ready, 🟡 - Breaking Bugs, 🔴 - Not Started
- Firebasetailwind-authboiler : Multi page Auth with React, Firebase 8 and Tailwind.
Get in touch with me on Twitter @simonsjournal