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simat edited this page Jun 1, 2018 · 23 revisions

Here is some sample output from the program

sample of logged data sent to file specified in config file. The output is configurable

20180601135554 49.58 0.032 -11.4 -16.5 5.100 162.80 163.59 {'ACW': 133.0, 'BInI': 10.0, 'BV': 49.7, 'ChgStat': b'11', 'PVW': 70.0, 'iload': 4.0, 'BOutI': 0.0, 'ipv': -14.0, 'DataValid': True, 'ibat': -10.0, 'PVI': 14.0}
20180601135604 49.58 0.031 -11.5 -16.5 5.000 162.77 163.56 {'ACW': 118.0, 'BInI': 10.0, 'BV': 49.7, 'ChgStat': b'11', 'PVW': 71.0, 'iload': 4.0, 'BOutI': 0.0, 'ipv': -14.0, 'DataValid': True, 'ibat': -10.0, 'PVI': 14.0}
20180601135614 49.58 0.032 -11.5 -16.5 5.000 162.74 163.52 {'ACW': 124.0, 'BInI': 10.0, 'BV': 49.7, 'ChgStat': b'11', 'PVW': 70.0, 'iload': 4.0, 'BOutI': 0.0, 'ipv': -14.0, 'DataValid': True, 'ibat': -10.0, 'PVI': 14.0}
20180601135624 49.58 0.032 -11.5 -15.3 3.800 162.71 163.49 {'ACW': 118.0, 'BInI': 10.0, 'BV': 49.7, 'ChgStat': b'11', 'PVW': 68.0, 'iload': 3.0, 'BOutI': 0.0, 'ipv': -13.0, 'DataValid': True, 'ibat': -10.0, 'PVI': 13.0}
20180601135634 49.57 0.032 -11.4 -16.5 5.100 162.67 163.46 {'ACW': 120.0, 'BInI': 10.0, 'BV': 49.7, 'ChgStat': b'11', 'PVW': 69.0, 'iload': 4.0, 'BOutI': 0.0, 'ipv': -14.0, 'DataValid': True, 'ibat': -10.0, 'PVI': 14.0}
20180601135644 49.58 0.032 -11.3 -16.5 5.200 162.64 163.43 {'ACW': 136.0, 'BInI': 10.0, 'BV': 49.7, 'ChgStat': b'11', 'PVW': 70.0, 'iload': 4.0, 'BOutI': 0.0, 'ipv': -14.0, 'DataValid': True, 'ibat': -10.0, 'PVI': 14.0}

First number is the datestamp, next is the overall battery voltage, next is the voltage difference between the cells, next is the battery current, next is the charge current, next is the load current, and next two are the battery SOC in ah, the last figure is compensated for battery efficiency. After this is a dump of the data from a PIP4048 inverter.

Sample Battery Summary statistics

Battery Stats [current]
timestamp = '20180601115708 '
maxvoltages = [3.267, 3.267, 3.27, 3.273, 3.27, 3.278, 3.268, 3.273, 3.267, 3.273, 3.27, 3.25, 3.245, 3.241, 3.241, 48.95]
maxnocharge = [3.233, 3.236, 3.233, 3.237, 3.235, 3.24, 3.234, 3.237, 3.233, 3.236, 3.242, 3.232, 3.228, 3.226, 3.227, 48.51]
minnoload = [3.267, 3.267, 3.27, 3.273, 3.27, 3.278, 3.268, 3.273, 3.267, 3.273, 3.27, 3.25, 3.245, 3.241, 3.241, 48.95]
minvoltages = [3.267, 3.267, 3.27, 3.273, 3.27, 3.278, 3.268, 3.273, 3.267, 3.273, 3.27, 3.25, 3.245, 3.241, 3.241, 48.95]
deltav = [0.037, 0.037, 0.037]
ioutmax = [-14.3, -16.5, 2.2]
kwoutmax = [0.091, 0.014, 0.108]
kwhout = [0.0, 0.0, 0.002082]
iinmax = [-14.3, -16.5, 2.2]
kwinmax = [-0.7, -0.808, -0.004]
kwhin = [-0.011716, -0.013799, 0.0]
ah = [185.38, 185.38, 185.38, 0.0, -0.24, 0.0, -0.29]
dod = [185.91, 185.91, 185.91, -100]
power = [-0.011659, 0.0, -0.013962, 0.002303]
tmax = [17.0, 12.6]
tmin = [17.0, 12.6]
baltime = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

timestamp = '20180601115708 '
maxvoltages = [3.267, 3.267, 3.27, 3.273, 3.27, 3.278, 3.268, 3.273, 3.267, 3.273, 3.27, 3.25, 3.245, 3.241, 3.241, 48.95]
maxnocharge = [3.233, 3.236, 3.233, 3.237, 3.235, 3.24, 3.234, 3.237, 3.233, 3.236, 3.242, 3.232, 3.228, 3.226, 3.227, 48.51]
minnoload = [3.246, 3.246, 3.247, 3.25, 3.249, 3.253, 3.245, 3.25, 3.244, 3.247, 3.25, 3.226, 3.221, 3.219, 3.218, 48.62]
minvoltages = [3.246, 3.246, 3.247, 3.25, 3.249, 3.253, 3.245, 3.25, 3.244, 3.247, 3.25, 3.226, 3.221, 3.219, 3.218, 48.62]
deltav = [0.033, 0.039, 0.039]
ioutmax = [-11.5, -16.5, 6.0]
kwoutmax = [0.091, 0.014, 0.294]
kwhout = [0.0, 0.0, 0.18453]
iinmax = [-15.7, -17.7, 0.8]
kwinmax = [-0.765, -0.866, -0.004]
kwhin = [-0.6171, -0.80159, 0.0]
ah = [185.38, 191.40772, 197.79, 57.0, -12.66, 0.0, -16.57]
dod = [185.91, 191.877195, 198.19, -100]
power = [-0.617277, 0.0, -0.80161, 0.184333]
tmax = [17.2, 12.9]
tmin = [15.2, 12.6]
baltime = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

timestamp = '20180601115708 '
maxvoltages = [3.267, 3.267, 3.27, 3.273, 3.27, 3.278, 3.268, 3.273, 3.267, 3.273, 3.27, 3.25, 3.245, 3.241, 3.241, 48.95]
maxnocharge = [3.238, 3.24, 3.238, 3.242, 3.241, 3.245, 3.24, 3.244, 3.237, 3.241, 3.247, 3.234, 3.23, 3.227, 3.228, 48.57]
minnoload = [3.053, 3.052, 3.005, 3.05, 3.037, 3.044, 3.04, 3.049, 3.04, 3.073, 3.048, 3.047, 3.029, 3.032, 3.045, 45.64]
minvoltages = [3.053, 3.052, 3.005, 3.05, 3.037, 3.044, 3.04, 3.049, 3.04, 3.073, 3.048, 3.047, 3.029, 3.032, 3.045, 45.64]
deltav = [0.01, 0.075, 0.075]
ioutmax = [4.8, 0.3, 6.0]
kwoutmax = [0.227, 0.014, 0.294]
kwhout = [0.39433, 0.11102, 0.66817]
iinmax = [-18.9, -20.1, -1.0]
kwinmax = [-0.916, -0.978, -0.048]
kwhin = [-1.22646, -1.60695, -0.00428]
ah = [160.75, 177.684557, 210.5, 716.0, -25.3, 10.28, -29.37]
dod = [171.3, 185.047446, 210.6, -98]
power = [-1.222535, 0.39212, -1.494031, 0.663616]
tmax = [17.2, 13.4]
tmin = [11.2, 10.4]
baltime = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

timestamp = 20180601000003
maxvoltages = [3.268, 3.272, 3.263, 3.268, 3.267, 3.271, 3.264, 3.269, 3.265, 3.27, 3.269, 3.262, 3.262, 3.26, 3.261, 48.94]
maxnocharge = [3.268, 3.272, 3.263, 3.268, 3.267, 3.271, 3.264, 3.269, 3.265, 3.27, 3.269, 3.262, 3.262, 3.26, 3.261, 48.94]
minnoload = [3.173, 3.174, 3.162, 3.17, 3.17, 3.168, 3.168, 3.169, 3.17, 3.172, 3.165, 3.143, 3.145, 3.145, 3.139, 47.49]
minvoltages = [3.144, 3.144, 3.11, 3.122, 3.124, 3.109, 3.113, 3.111, 3.123, 3.124, 3.12, 3.093, 3.106, 3.108, 3.101, 46.75]
deltav = [0.005, 0.044, 0.06]
ioutmax = [61.5, 0.3, 64.8]
kwoutmax = [2.887, 0.015, 3.042]
kwhout = [2.2303, 0.22889, 2.6666]
iinmax = [-11.3, -14.1, -0.6]
kwinmax = [-0.549, -0.682, -0.059]
kwhin = [-0.68826, -1.35227, -0.00128]
ah = [128.38, 142.787738, 160.75, 1440.0, -13.94, 48.18, -20.07]
dod = [135.81, 151.773093, 171.3, -99]
power = [-0.670102, 2.21372, -1.122085, 2.665703]
tmax = [22.8, 16.4]
tmin = [12.2, 12.4]
baltime = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

timestamp = '20180601115708 '
maxvoltages = [3.267, 3.267, 3.27, 3.273, 3.27, 3.278, 3.268, 3.273, 3.267, 3.273, 3.27, 3.25, 3.245, 3.241, 3.241, 48.95]
maxnocharge = [3.238, 3.24, 3.238, 3.242, 3.241, 3.245, 3.24, 3.244, 3.237, 3.241, 3.247, 3.234, 3.23, 3.227, 3.228, 48.57]
minnoload = [3.053, 3.052, 3.005, 3.05, 3.037, 3.044, 3.04, 3.049, 3.04, 3.073, 3.048, 3.047, 3.029, 3.032, 3.045, 45.64]
minvoltages = [3.053, 3.052, 3.005, 3.05, 3.037, 3.044, 3.04, 3.049, 3.04, 3.073, 3.048, 3.047, 3.029, 3.032, 3.045, 45.64]
deltav = [0.01, 0.075, 0.075]
ioutmax = [4.8, 0.3, 6.0]
kwoutmax = [0.227, 0.014, 0.294]
kwhout = [0.39433, 0.11102, 0.66817]
iinmax = [-18.9, -20.1, -1.0]
kwinmax = [-0.916, -0.978, -0.048]
kwhin = [-1.22646, -1.60695, -0.00428]
ah = [160.75, 177.684557, 210.5, 716.0, -25.3, 10.28, -29.37]
dod = [171.3, 185.047446, 210.6, -98]
power = [-1.222535, 0.39212, -1.494031, 0.663616]
tmax = [17.2, 13.4]
tmin = [11.2, 10.4]
baltime = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

timestamp = '20180601115708 '
maxvoltages = [3.482, 29.738, 3.656, 3.523, 3.792, 3.654, 3.472, 3.495, 3.464, 3.464, 3.602, 3.492, 3.772, 3.724, 3.674, 53.67]
maxnocharge = [3.482, 29.738, 3.656, 3.507, 3.792, 3.654, 3.459, 3.473, 3.463, 3.464, 3.563, 3.479, 3.772, 3.724, 3.66, 53.67]
minnoload = [2.951, 2.922, 2.848, 2.944, 2.927, 2.933, 2.91, -42.952, 2.931, 2.978, 2.939, 2.946, 2.903, 2.918, 2.921, 29.74]
minvoltages = [2.951, 2.922, 2.848, 2.944, 2.927, 2.923, 2.91, -42.952, 2.931, 2.977, 2.939, 2.939, 2.903, 2.918, 2.921, 29.74]
deltav = [0.0, 72.69, 72.69]
ioutmax = [93.1, 9.0, 96.4]
kwoutmax = [4.25, 0.448, 4.606]
kwhout = [86.68816, 9.8361, 111.12815]
iinmax = [-24.4, -25.9, -8.8]
kwinmax = [-1.22, -1.295, -0.45]
kwhin = [-98.49789, -134.11955, -2.03612]
ah = [-34.47, 53.398644, 220.0, 59505.0, -1945.88, 1797.52, -2387.72]
dod = [-25.3, 58.041585, 220.02, 3]
power = [-96.066522, 84.295106, -124.302816, 112.5314]
tmax = [43.1, 22.3]
tmin = [10.2, 10.4]
baltime = [0.0, 0.0306, 0.128, 0.0306, 0.1391, 0.0445, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1475, 0.0, 0.0529, 0.0279, 0.0613]

timestamp = '20180601115708 '
maxvoltages = [3.482, 29.738, 3.656, 3.523, 3.792, 3.654, 3.472, 3.495, 3.464, 3.464, 3.602, 3.492, 3.772, 3.724, 3.674, 53.67]
maxnocharge = [3.482, 29.738, 3.656, 3.507, 3.792, 3.654, 3.459, 3.473, 3.463, 3.464, 3.563, 3.479, 3.772, 3.724, 3.66, 53.67]
minnoload = [2.951, 2.922, 2.848, 2.944, 2.927, 2.933, 2.91, -42.952, 2.931, 2.978, 2.939, 2.946, 2.903, 2.918, 2.921, 29.74]
minvoltages = [2.951, 2.922, 2.848, 2.944, 2.927, 2.923, 2.91, -42.952, 2.931, 2.977, 2.939, 2.939, 2.903, 2.918, 2.921, 29.74]
deltav = [0.0, 72.69, 72.69]
ioutmax = [93.1, 9.0, 96.4]
kwoutmax = [4.25, 0.448, 4.606]
kwhout = [86.68816, 9.8361, 111.12815]
iinmax = [-24.4, -25.9, -8.8]
kwinmax = [-1.22, -1.295, -0.45]
kwhin = [-98.49789, -134.11955, -2.03612]
ah = [-34.47, 53.398644, 220.0, 59505.0, -1945.88, 1797.52, -2387.72]
dod = [-25.3, 58.041585, 220.02, 3]
power = [-96.066522, 84.295106, -124.302816, 112.5314]
tmax = [43.1, 22.3]
tmin = [10.2, 10.4]
baltime = [0.0, 0.0306, 0.128, 0.0306, 0.1391, 0.0445, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1475, 0.0, 0.0529, 0.0279, 0.0613]

maxvoltages is the maximum voltage measured over the time period of each cell and the pack as a whole
maxnocharge is the maximum voltage measured over the time period of each cell and the pack as a whole which is being charged at less than 10A
minnoload is the minimum voltage measured over the time period of each cell and the pack as a whole with a load of less than 10A
minvoltages is the minimum voltage measured over the time period for each cell and the pack as a whole
deltav is the difference in voltage between the highest and lowest cell in mV measured over the time period, the first reading is the lowest difference, the second in the maximum difference with a load less than 10A, the third is the maximum difference
ioutmax are the maximum output current readings for each current shunt over the time period
kwoutmax are the maximum power outputs trough each shunt over the time period
kwhout are the energy outputs through each shunt over the time period
iinmax are the maximum current input readings for each current shunt over the time period
kwinmax are the maximum power inputs trough each shunt over the time period kwhin are the energy inputs through each shunt over the time period
ah is the raw DOD of the battery in Ah measured over the time period, my pack has a nominal rating of 360Ah, the first figure is the lowest DOD, with 0 being 'full', the second figure if the average DOD over the period, the third figure if the maximum DOD (360 should be empty), the forth figure is the number of samples the average is taken over, the fifth figure is the total charge in Ah, the sixth figure is the total discharge in Ah, the seventh figure is the total charge going to the load. There is a minute between samples.
dod is the DOD of the battery adjusted for battery efficiency losses. The first figure is the lowest DOD, with 0 being 'full', the second figure if the average DOD over the period, the third figure if the maximum DOD, the forth figure is the time since the battery was full in days
power first figure is the power going into the battery over the period, the second figure is the power drawn from the battery over the period, the third figure is the power generated by external sources over the period, the last figure is the power going to the load over the period.
tmax maximum temperature from multiple temperature probes over sample period
tmin minimum temperature over sample period
baltime amount of time individual cells are being balanced over period

Sample Daily Summary statistics

('timestamp', "'20180601000003 '")
('maxvoltages', '[3.268, 3.272, 3.263, 3.268, 3.267, 3.271, 3.264, 3.269, 3.265, 3.27, 3.269, 3.262, 3.262, 3.26, 3.261, 48.94]')
('maxnocharge', '[3.268, 3.272, 3.263, 3.268, 3.267, 3.271, 3.264, 3.269, 3.265, 3.27, 3.269, 3.262, 3.262, 3.26, 3.261, 48.94]')
('minnoload', '[3.173, 3.174, 3.162, 3.17, 3.17, 3.168, 3.168, 3.169, 3.17, 3.172, 3.165, 3.143, 3.145, 3.145, 3.139, 47.49]')
('minvoltages', '[3.144, 3.144, 3.11, 3.122, 3.124, 3.109, 3.113, 3.111, 3.123, 3.124, 3.12, 3.093, 3.106, 3.108, 3.101, 46.75]')
('deltav', '[0.005, 0.044, 0.06]')
('ioutmax', '[61.5, 0.3, 64.8]')
('kwoutmax', '[2.887, 0.015, 3.042]')
('kwhout', '[2.2303, 0.22889, 2.6666]')
('iinmax', '[-11.3, -14.1, -0.6]')
('kwinmax', '[-0.549, -0.682, -0.059]')
('kwhin', '[-0.68826, -1.35227, -0.00128]')
('ah', '[128.38, 142.787738, 160.75, 1440.0, -13.94, 48.18, -20.07]')
('dod', '[135.81, 151.773093, 171.3, -99]')
('power', '[-0.670102, 2.21372, -1.122085, 2.665703]')
('tmax', '[22.8, 16.4]')
('tmin', '[12.2, 12.4]')
('baltime', '[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]')

The format is the same as the summary data

The program also produces an hourly, monthly and yearly summary file