Simple command line interface made using Flex and Bison to understand and execute some mathematics operations.
Linux System with BASH.
Have "make" installed
$ sudo apt-get install make
Have "flex" installed
$ sudo apt-get install flex
Have "bison" installed
$ sudo apt-get install bison
Open a shell in the same folder that Makefile is located (probably, CLI-Calculator).
$ make
At this point, the executable file "p3Compiladores" will have been generated.
$ ./p3Compiladores [entrada.m]
Note: in this case, the input file is entrada.m
HELP/help: shows this help message.
FULLHELP/fullhelp: shows all the information about the program usage.
LOAD/load: load a file with expresions to analyze.
WORKSPACE/workspace: prints the workspace, in other words, the variables in use in that moment.
CONSTANTES/constantes: prints the available constants.
FUNCIONES/funciones: prints the available functions.
REINICIAR/reiniciar: restarts the workspace (deletes all the variables in use).
EXIT/exit: to finish the program.