xBot - Simple but elegant bot for Silkroad Online! (vSRO 1.188)
This WPF project is a open source representation of my last xBot project made (partially) on WinForm (C#) a few months ago.
In fact, the code can result a bit messy and extensive, but please consider this is my WPF-learning project.
I'm not entirelly sure if the source release will be a good choice since always will exists people looking for taking abusive advantages over others which is not my intention, mine is simple; making a modern bot that will be better than sBot and/or mBot and will be available for free obviously.
Support me! Buy me a coffee
- Drew "pushedx" Benton for his past work and sources!
- DaxterSoul for his time and help about packet structures
- .NET Framework 4.7 Platform
- Newtonsoft JSON
- SQLite3
- DevIL
- Ooki