To use this shard, start by adding it to your shard.yml like so:
github: sikoba/
version: ~> 1.0
This requires Crystal 0.36 or higher. An older version, which works with Crystal 0.35, is available as branch "legacy-crystal-0.35"
In order to speed up signing and signature verification, multiples of the generating point of the form g * 2^n are cached by default when initialising a curve (there is an optional flag to disable this).
For the curve :secp256k1, these values are precomputed in ecdsa/ Precomputing only provides a very slight gain when a curve is initialised, while increasing the overall size of the shard quite significantly, so we did not add precomputed values for other curves. More precomputed values can be added using local/
Signature verification requires multiplying the sender's public key. If you know that you will need to verify several messages from the same sender, you can cache the public key multiplications, which will significantly speed up subsequent verifications:
This public_key must be a point of the curve. Note that it is possible to also remove a public key from the cache.
Another performance improvement can be obtained by removing certain sanity checks when verifying a signature, which can be done if the public key is known already:
g.verify(public_key, message, signature, false)
We have implemented SHA3-256 and Keccak-256 in this shard.
res = Digest::SHA3.hexdigest ""
puts res #=> 93adc6708e6c5d53c6dcab13ffd31d695b5bfd49282cf457d4ed4f323a83c751
res = Digest::Keccak.hexdigest ""
puts res #=> 957124317724f7b2d7acc95e8cbc59265ff6ec6c2aabfd91deac65fef457c093
Here is how to initialise the group secp256k1, which is the one used by Bitcoin, Ethereum and many other cryptocurrencies. The list of predefined groups is provided in "". Note that it is possible to use any curve as long as h = 1.
g = ECDSA.get_group :secp256k1
puts " #{}" #=> secp256k1
puts "g.p: #{g.p}" #=> 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663
puts "g.a: #{g.a}" #=> 0
puts "g.b: #{g.b}" #=> 7
puts "g.gx: #{g.gx}" #=> 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240
puts " #{}" #=> 32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424
puts "g.n: #{g.n}" #=> 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337
puts "g.d: #{g.d}" #=> 256
Here is how to create a new key pair for a given group g:
key_pair = g.create_key_pair()
puts "Secret key: #{key_pair.[:secret_key]}"
puts "Public key (x): #{key_pair.[:public_key].x}"
puts "Public key (y): #{key_pair.[:public_key].y}"
Here is how to get the public key from a private key "sec":
sec ="181819889614099500139968055079267329034062173137940193777846146779387277", base: 10)
key_pair = g.create_key_pair(sec)
puts "Public key (x): #{key_pair.[:public_key].x}"
#=> 85178987611776079650687100736630225395836133315679241448696142401730235065445
puts "Public key (y): #{key_pair.[:public_key].y}"
#=> 42655463775677901349476176253478345062189292709218709770749313858929229563957
Given a signature (r, s), the pair (r, n - s) is also a valid signatiure. In the current version, signing will always output the smaller value of s.
The default signature starts by hashing the message using SHA256, then signs using a random integer:
signature = g.sign(sec, message)
puts signature.r
puts signature.s
You can also use your own random number:
k ="5846704604701277839882806211944760658860225489638225087703968849823566991145", base: 10)
signature = g.sign(sec, message, k)
puts signature.r #=> 46936881718680924751941056637981176854079153858678292484057701054143224621739
puts signature.s #=> 73284886333021363950527157119714987728926550430396121478503186774134962929068
Assuming the public key has the components pub_x and pub_y:
public_key =, pub_x, pub_y)
verify = g.verify(public_key, message, signature)
puts "Result of verification: #{verify}" #=> true
If you only have the compacted version of the key, which is a string of 66 characters, you can get the full public key like this:
g = ECDSA.get_group(:secp256k1)
public_key = g.read_compact_key(compact_key)
signature_sha3 = g.sign_sha3_256(sec, message)
verify = g.verify(public_key, message, signature_sha3)
puts "Result of verification: #{verify}" #=> true
signature_keccak = g.sign_keccak_256(sec, message)
verify = g.verify(public_key, message, signature_keccak)
puts "Result of verification: #{verify}" #=> true
You can also sign a BigInt directly, cf "src/ecdsa/".
If you have a signature, and you know what number has been signed, candidates for the corresponding public key can be computed. For curves with cofactor h = 1, which are the only ones supported for now, there are generally 2 candidates: one with an even y value matching r, the other with an odd one. In some extremely rare cases, when r < p - n, there may be 4 candidates, but we don't deal with it. For secp256k1, the probability of this happening is only about 10^-38. Cf for example on stackexchange: 60218 18105
An example is given in spec/ecdsa/
g = ECDSA.get_group :secp256k1
h ="3F891FDA3704F0368DAB65FA81EBE616F4AA2A0854995DA4DC0B59D2CADBD64F", base: 16)
s ="BC9644F1625AF13841E589FD00653AE8C763309184EA0DE481E8F06709E5D1CB", base: 16)
r ="A5C7B7756D34D8AAF6AA68F0B71644F0BEF90D8BFD126CE951B6060498345089", base: 16)
pub_even = g.recover_public_key(h, r, s, true)
pub_odd = g.recover_public_key(h, r, s, false)
A signature can be converted to a 132-character String, which is the Ethereum signature format.
g = ECDSA.get_group :secp256k1
s1 ="f8b8af8ce3c7cca5e300d33939540c10d45ce001b8f252bfbc57ba0342904181", base:16)
k1 ="525A82B70E67874398067543FD84C83D30C175FDC45FDEEE082FE13B1D7CFDF1", base:16)
sig = g.sign(s1, "Alan Turing", k1)
puts sig.stringify() #=> "0x7063ae83e7f62bbb171798131b4a0564b956930092b33b07b395615d9ec7e15c58dfcc1e00a35e1572f366ffe34ba0fc47db1e7189759b9fb233c5b05ab388ea1b"
address = ECDSA.eth_address(public_key)
This now returns the mixed-case version as per EIP-55. To convert an account to mixed-case:
address = "0x5aaeb6053f3e94c9b9a09f33669435e7ef1beaed"
puts ECDSA.eth_address_to_mixed_case(address) #=> 0x5aAeb6053F3E94C9b9A09f33669435E7Ef1BeAed
This verifies the signature as produced by the web3.eth.personal.sign() function, or by the "Sign Message" on MEW, Mycrypto etc.
data = "Hello, world!"
signature = "0x1038030f8b327e0ceb7a92b9047fa3bdf43cde80f90f3593478de1796d898b4c2b409adf536062205fb68aa68f842c5c4e163e7228d47999e12af47f128c2a931c"
eth_account = "0x001d3f1ef827552ae1114027bd3ecf1f086ba0f9"
ECDSA.verify_ethereum_signature(data, signature, eth_account) #=> true
benchmark against implementations in other languages
test against ECDSA implementations in other langauges
add SHA3 for 224, 384 and 512 bits
provide more usage examples, e.g. generating a Bitcoin address etc.
add h to, add ability to sign and verify signatures when h > 1
We use the following codes for benchmarking:
# G : cached generating point
# P : cached public key of sender (useful for repeated signature verification)
# C : skipping signature verification sanity check (when public key is known)
The benchmarks were done on a laptop with a Xeon E3-1505M @ 3.00GHz processor running Ubuntu on Windows. This seems to be somewhat slower than running it natively on Linux, but it should give an idea of the relative performances.
== Hashing 200-byte messages
SHA256 : 530.28k ( 1.89µs) (± 7.08%) 224B/op fastest
SHA3_256 : 350.25k ( 2.86µs) (± 3.23%) 992B/op 1.51× slower
== Hashing 2000-byte messages
SHA256 : 97.78k ( 10.23µs) (± 5.00%) 224B/op fastest
SHA3_256 : 44.97k ( 22.23µs) (± 4.10%) 5.73kB/op 2.17× slower
== Generating key-pairs
key-pair : 55.40 ( 18.05ms) (±12.13%) 10.4MB/op 3.19× slower
key-pair G : 176.83 ( 5.66ms) (± 3.30%) 3.4MB/op fastest
== Signing
sign : 56.50 ( 17.70ms) (± 8.12%) 10.4MB/op 3.04× slower
sign G : 171.69 ( 5.82ms) (± 3.48%) 3.46MB/op fastest
== Verifying
verify : 18.28 ( 54.71ms) (± 4.48%) 32.8MB/op 2.69× slower
verify G : 23.12 ( 43.25ms) (± 3.74%) 25.8MB/op 2.13× slower
verify GP : 49.16 ( 20.34ms) (± 3.08%) 12.1MB/op fastest
== Verifying without sanity checks
verify C : 27.26 ( 36.69ms) (± 9.30%) 20.8MB/op 3.14× slower
verify GC : 43.16 ( 23.17ms) (± 3.62%) 13.9MB/op 1.98× slower
verify GPC : 85.56 ( 11.69ms) (± 4.71%) 7.0MB/op fastest