Some utility shell script functions useful in the go development environment
To use shell functions, download and exec the shell script.
$ go get
$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ source ./ # or include . <path>/ in ~/.bashrc
To see help message of usage after installation,
usage: setlang [kr|en]
usage: gitclone <package folder> on {github,gitlab}.com
usage: gitupdate <.>
usage: openpage <URL>
usage: get [<language> <url of package>] are required.
usage: goto [.|..|root|path|stoney|sikang|webcam|http|go|rs|py|js|jv|dt|wa|hb]
usage: get [<language> <url of package>] are required.
usage: gofile <filename> [path to start]
usage: gofind <search string> [path to start]
usage: gopath <package name>
usage: gover <go version>: 1.9(.7), 1.10(.8), 1.11(.12), 1.12(.7)
usage: gohub <search text> written golng in
usage: gopage <.|url|github path>
usage: gomod [auto|on|off|<command>...]
usage: gopkg [mod|src|vendor] [<package>]
usage: gotrd [<all|go|rs|js|py|dt|dk|week|month>:go]
usage: goport [<port number>|ip|scan|axis]
usage: godkr <compose|machine|layer|open|clean|run> <params...>
usage: gotoken <coin:c|market:m|binance:b|btc|eth|eos>
usage: govnc <info|list|play|search|version>
usage: pyver <2|3>
usage: futter [open|build|force|upgrade|clean|yaml|desktop|...]
usage: datter [update|yaml|format|web|...]
usage: gst <info|list|play|search|version>
usage: genkey <local|quic>
usage: kube <start|stop|info> - Kubenates v1.15.0
usage: pion <open|update|mod|src|doc|home|back> - WebRTC media system, v2.0.23
usage: wasm <copy|bin|install|open|run|update>
To see the source of the shell function, type like this.
$ type openpage
openpage is the function
openpage ()
if [ $# = 0 ]; then
echo "usage: $FUNCNAME <URL>";
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then
xdg-open $1;
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
open $1;
echo $1;
To change a specific directory, use goto
$ goto
usage: goto [.|..|root|path|stoney|wasm|webcam|http]
$ goto . # save the current directory
$ goto .. # return to the saved directory
To download go sources from open repos, use goget
regardless of includng http scheme or .git tail.
$ goget
usage: goget [<option>] <package path>
$ goget
$ goget https;// -u
$ goget -u -v
$ goget -u -v
$ pwd
To change to the directory that you check the go sources downloaded, use gopath
as following.
and /_
directories are excluded in search
$ gopath
usage: gopath <package name>
$ gopath go-funcs
$ gopath
To use gohub
, install the package sikang99/hub-search.
$ goget
$ gohub
usage: gohub <search text>
$ gohub wasm
tools to interact with WASM files
2018-07-19T14:09:41Z Go 162 65.25
wagon, a WebAssembly-based Go interpreter, for Go.
2018-08-04T08:55:25Z Go 363 59.09
Ontology wasm is a VM for ontology block chain, it can also be used for other stand-alone environment not only for block chains.
2018-07-30T08:13:26Z Go 438 55.99
$ gohub "github search"
To select a specific go version installed in your environment,
use gover
with version number such as 1,9, 1.10, 1.11
Currently my case with two go versions is as following.
If your want to support more versions, plz edit the script.
$ tree -L 1 $GOROOT/..
├── bak
├── go -> go1.11beta2
├── go1.9.7
├── go1.10.3
└── go1.11beta3
Before using, check gocode
and install it if not exist.
$ go get -u
Let's try to use gover
$ gover
usage: gover <go version>
$ gover 1.10 # or 1.9, 1.10.3, go1.10.3
go version go1.10.3 linux/amd64
$ gover 1.11
go version go1.11beta3 linux/amd64
To open a web page corresponding to the current source directory, type gopage .
$ pwd
$ gopage .
To clone the repo like as its web path, use gitclone
as following.
$ gitclone
git clone
$ pwd
Function for downloading git sources of a package
$ get <py|go|rs|dt|js> <package repo>
Utility functions for docker
$ godkr page golang
$ godkr clean
cleaning .... images
This is for seting the environment variable of GO111MODULE.
$ gomod
usage: gomod <auto|on|off> [GO111MODULE=auto]
$ gomod on
Display trending in by using sikang99/hub-trend
$ gotrd -h
gotrd [<all|go|rs|js|py|dt|week|month>:go]
$ gotrd rs
To find the processes using the given port.
$ goport 8080
Display prices of the crypto tokens such as bitcoin, ethereum, eos by using polyrabbit/token-ticker
$ gotoken
usage: gotoken <all:a|market:m|binance:b>
$ gotoken market
Changer the python version and tool to use
$ pyver
usage: pyver <2|3>
$ pyver 3
Python 3.6.5
pip 9.0.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (python 3.6)
$ type gowasm
gowasm is aliased to `GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go'
- Bash 입문자를 위한 핵심 요약 정리 (Shell Script)
- Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide
- How To Build Go Executables for Multiple Platforms on Ubuntu 16.04
- A Good Makefile for Go
- Bash Programming
- From Bash to Z Shell: Conquering the Command Line, Packt, 2005