A command line tool to manage the content of RDF store (GraphDB, Fuseki, RDF4J...). Written in python.
kgsteward is available from PyPI. It depends on rather standard Python packages. Its installation should be straightforward.
The recommended option is to install kgsteward
with uv
uv tool install kgsteward
and to ugrade it to the latest version with
uv tool upgrade kgsteward
or alternatively, it can be intalled with pip3
pip3 install kgsteward
You can also clone this repo, and launch kgsteward using the script ./kgsteward
at its root
uv run ./kgsteward
See the documentation
for development. -
Docker installed (we use
to deploy triplestores for testing)
Run tests, -s
will print all outputs:
uv run pytest -s
With HTML coverage report:
uv run pytest -s --cov --cov-report html
python -m http.server 3000 --directory ./htmlcov
Start documentation website in development:
uv run mkdocs serve
was developed to manage experimental chemical data (LC-MS2) and experimental biological data (bio-activity) data together with reference chemical structures derived from public database (LOTUS, Wikidata) as reported in A Sample-Centric and Knowledge-Driven Computational Framework for Natural Products Drug Discovery.