- This library is written for competitive programming.
- It's made to be copied and pasted to subbmissions during a contest, so there is no header files.
- Competitive programming is, so to speak, a coding race, so I use
using namespace std
in each file.- I know this is an evil thing to do, but I need to do this in order to code faster.
binary_indexed_tree.cpp : Binary Indexed Tree(BIT), also known as Fenwick Tree. It achives O(logN) time complexity for Range Sum Query.
coordinate_compression.cpp : Coordinate Compression, a commonly used technique which is to map larger values to smaller distinct values.
doubling.cpp : Doubling, also a commonly used technique similar to pointer jumping.
segment_tree.cpp : Segment Tree, also used for Range Sum Query. There is no lazy version yet, but I'm working on it.
suffix_array.cpp : Constructs a Suffix Array with O(n) complexity by using the SA-IS algorithm.
union_find_tree.cpp : Union Find Tree, also known as disjoint-set data structure
- geometry2d.cpp : 2D geometry library used for plane figure problems.
ford_fulkerson.cpp : Ford-Fulkerson algorithm
graph.cpp : Trying to make a comprehensive graph class which has all the graph algorithms I've implemented, but I'm still working on it.
kruscal.cpp : Krucsal's algorithm
dijkstra.cpp : Dijkstra's algorithm
bellman_ford.cpp : Bellman-Ford algorithm
warshall_floyd.cpp : Warshall-Floyd algorithm
topological_sort.cpp : Topological sorting for DAGs.
matrix.cpp 2d matrix class. Not finished yet.
modlong.cpp :
is a integer type that applies% MOD
after every opperation( such as+
). -
prime_factorization.cpp : Prime Factorization
utils.cpp : Math utility functions such as