Demo Link :
- Navbar with options:
- Movies (landing screen)
- Popular, Upcoming, Top Rated
- Watchlist
- Displays movie images, names, and genre/category cards.
- Allows users to search for movies on the same screen.
- Displasy the following details:
- Movie Banner
- Name
- Overview/Description
- Release Date
- Genre
- User ratings/Score (as a Star ⭐)
- Play Now button (Displays an in-app notification when clicked with the message "Movie is Playing")
- Users can mark movies as Favourites or add them to their Watchlist.
- Displays the user's list of movies they want to watch later.
- This uses the local storage functionality.
- "Clear Watchlist" button clears the watchlist and remove item from local storage.
Follow these steps to set up and run the project locally:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Intall the dependencies
npm install
- Start the application
npm start
Uses the TMDB API for fetching movie data.