This project deals with implementation of various machine learning models from scratch using python, without actually importing them from the sklearn library
Till now the models implemented:
- k-means clustering
- knn classifier (k-nearest neighbour)
- Naive Bayesian Classifier
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
The machine learning algorithms are implemented from scratch without using their pre existing libraries in python
Libraries used:
- numpy : working with arrays(matrices and vectors)
- pandas & mathplotlib : for data handling , manpulation and visualization of datasets
- Train Test split (from Sklearn.model_selection) : To split the dataset into training and test sets
- sklearn.metrices : To measure accuracy_score , precision, recall , f1_scroe and confusion matrix
Datasets Used:
- k-means clustering : iris.csv
- knn classifier (k-nearest neighbour) : iris.csv
- Naive Bayesian Classifier : iris.csv
- Linear Regression : data.txt
- Logistic Regression : synthetic or synthesized data using numpy