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Countly is an innovative, real-time, open source mobile analytics application. It collects data from mobile phones, and visualizes this information to analyze mobile application usage and end-user behavior. There are two parts of Countly: the server that collects and analyzes data, and mobile SDK that sends this data (for iOS & Android).
Countly Server;
Other Countly SDK repositories;
<module platform="android">ly.count</module>
Start Tracking
var countly = require('ly.count');
- name : Name of the event to track
- (example - Track clicks on the help button "clickedHelp" )
- count : Number to increment the event in the db
- (example - User purchases item increment by 1 )
- segmentation : Categorization of the event
- (example - User is from USA and uses an iPhone 4S so the segmentation will be {device:"iPhone 4S", country:"USA"} )
Simple Event
//Example: countly.sendEvent(name,count);
Event With Segmentation
// Example: countly.sendAdvancedEvent(name, segmentation, count);
var segmentation = {"buttonName": "HomeButton",
"buttonLocation": "TopBar",
countly.sendAdvancedEvent("HomeScreen", segmentation, 1);