Do you like eating out but don't enjoy paying full price? Find deals on the fly, where-ever you live. Try it out here: View CheapSheet! Oh - and it's mobile friendly so keep it saved on your phone! Shortlink to site:
- Autocomplete deal location search
- Search produces top thirty results near your requested location
- Filter deals by restaurant name or type (Please note, filtering by type is not extremely reliable as it uses the "deal tags" provided in the Groupon API response that aren't very descriptive. Try searching for tags such as "restaurants" and "pizza" for best results. Filtering by name should work great.)
- Integrated list view links to corresponding map marker on click
- Mobile friendly view hides list and search bar until you need it
- Re-center your map if you stray too far
- Venue ratings (if available) help you decide whether the restaurant is a go or a no!
- StackOverflow
- Udacity Javascript Design Patterns Course
- Udacity Intro to AJAX Course
- Knockout JS Documentation & Tutorials
- Google Maps API Documentation
- Groupon API Documentation
- DesignShack Blog - Autocomplete Plugin
- DevBridge JQuery Autocomplete
- [Select on Focus] (