This is the C++ library which wrapper chromium media module to create media player. Now we use chromium version 62.0.3002.84.
- Support playing local file
- Normal media player API (ex: play, pause, seek, set volume, set play rate)
- Not coupling with chromium multi-process architecture
Please reference to sync chromium code base. And install necessary library for build chromium:
$ git clone $ export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/depot_tools" $ mkdir ~/chromium && cd ~/chromium $ fetch --nohooks chromium $ cd src
Checkout to the tag we use and sync relative repository.
$ cd src $ git checkout tags/62.0.3002.84 -b 62.0.3002.84 $ gclient sync
Sync chromium_media_lib.
$ cd src $ git clone $ cd chromium_media_lib $ ./
Build media example.
$ cd src $ ./chromium_media_lib/
Now you can execute basic sample as following.
$ ./out/Default/media_example --media-file=<local media file path>
- or
- $ ./out/Default/media_example --resource-file=<HTTP URI>
- Add GTK to media_example