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Development Guide

Shengquan Ni edited this page Feb 4, 2019 · 4 revisions

This page provides the steps for developers to run BalancedBite applications:

  1. Download newest version of MongoDB, Maven, Android Studio, React-Native
  2. Add a mongo DB user as admin with username and password matching the code base
  3. Open a terminal and start the MongoDB server by typing mongod --auth to start authenticating
  4. Open another terminal and navigate to the BalancedBite/web/balancedbite folder. This folder contains the code for the dropwizard server.
  5. Run mvn package to download the required packages
  6. navigate to the target folder and execute java -jar balancedbite-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar server ../balancedbite.yml to start the server at port 8080 and 8081.
  7. Open Android Studio and make sure you have followed the guide in to build project using native code
  8. Start the AVDs you have configured.
  9. Since our dropwizard server and the development server for react-native both runs on 8081, we need to configure react-native so that it listens to different port number.
  10. Click Ctrl-M on your emulator and go to Dev Settings. In there, navigate to Debug server host & port for device. In there, change the setting to use [your IPv4 address]:[9988], which changes the default port to 9988. The detail of this fix is in
  11. Open another terminal and navigate to BalancedBite/BalancedBite, which is the root folder for our react-native project.
  12. Run npm install first to install all required packages
  13. Execute npm run android-build to bundle the project into android/app/src/main/assets/ file.
  14. Execute npm run android-start to start the development process
  15. Assuming you have executed step 14, when a code is changed, just go on to the emulator and click RR and the new changes will be load.
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