A README.md file with these sections:
Cart Quest is a memory game where you must remember and repeat a sequence of grocery items. It keeps track of your wins and losses and offers increasingly challenging levels as you progress through the game. Messages are displayed to guide you, and buttons appear and disappear to control your interactions.
- Javascript
- Canva
- Watch the sequence play out carefully.
- When the sequence is done displaying, play the sequence back by clicking the correct food.
- Press submit when you are finished.
- If you are correct, you will move on to the next level which will be more difficult.
- If you are wrong, you will start the level again.
- Make the game mobile friendly
- Continue to work on the proper timing of display messages to the player
- Add a function to track what level you are on, and display it on screen
- Disable icon buttons while the sequence is being displayed
- Make a high-contrast version for visual impairment