Overcomes the CloudFormation limitation on attaching an event to an uncontrolled bucket, for Serverless.com 1.9+. See this stackoverflow issue for more information.
The serverless deploy command (sls deploy
) will trigger a check to ensure the buckets already exist before deployment.
Post successfull deployment, the bucket event will be attached.
The serverless remove command (sls remove
) will remove the bucket event before removing the cloudformation stack
1. NPM dependency Looking to eliminate this step, as it will place the dependency within your deployed code.
> npm install serverless-external-s3-event
Declare the plugin in your serverless.yml
- serverless-external-s3-event
2. Give your deploy permission to access the bucket. The BUCKET_NAME variable within provider.iamRoleStatements.Resource.Fn::Join needs to be replaced with the name of the bucket you want to attach your event(s) to. If there are multiple buckets you want to attach events to add a new item for each bucket.
name: aws
runtime: nodejs4.3
- Effect: "Allow"
- "s3:PutBucketNotification"
- ""
- - "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET_NAME"
- - "arn:aws:s3:::BUCKET_OTHERNAME"
3. Attach an event to your target function. Add an -existingS3 event definition under 'events' of your function declaration. The 'events' value is optional under your -existingS3 event and if omitted, it will default to a single entry for "s3:ObjectCreated:*".
The rules property is optional and can contain either a prefix, suffix or both of these properties as a rule for when the event will trigger.
Note: The bucketEvents and eventRules attributes introduced in 1.0.1 will still work, but will likely be deprecated in the future.
handler: index.handler
timeout: 60
- existingS3:
- s3:ObjectCreated:*
- prefix: images/
- suffix: .jpg
Manually invoking the deploy command.
To manually attach the event, you can run sls s3deploy
To manually remove the event, you can run sls s3remove
> sls s3deploy
Attaching event(s) to: someFunction