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Made this simple discord bot so I could access radarr, sonarr, and lidarr (not implemented yet) all from a single discord channel

Currently Supported

  • Radarr (v2)
  • Radarr (v3)
  • Sonarr (v2)
  • Sonarr (v3)
  • Lidarr

Discord Bot Installation

Manual Installation

  1. Get latest copy of botdar botdar-release.jar
  2. Make sure you have openjdk 8 or oracle java 8 installed on your machine
  3. Create a file called "properties" (without double quotes) in same folder as the jar
  4. Fill it with the following properties (you can omit sonarr properties if you aren't using it, same with radarr, however everything else listed below is required)
# your discord bot token

# your radarr url (i.e., http://SOME-IP:SOME-PORT)
# your radarr token (go to Radarr->Settings->General->Security->Api Key)
# the root path your radarr movies get added to
# the default quality profile you want to use (go to Radarr->Settings->Profiles)

# your radarr url (i.e., http://SOME-IP:SOME-PORT)
# your sonarr token (go to Sonarr->Settings->General->Security->Api Key)
# the root path your sonarr shows get added to
# the default quality profile you want to use (go to Sonarr->Settings->Profiles)

# the discord channel you want the bot installed on
  1. Run the jar using java
nohup java -jar botdar-release.jar &

Run with Docker

  1. Docker images are here
  2. Create a folder on your host called "botdar"
  3. Create a logs folder in the botdar folder
  4. Put your properties file in botdar folder
  5. Then run below command (replace BOTDAR_HOME variables)
# for latest
docker run -d --name botdar -v /BOTDAR_HOME/properties:/home/botdar/config/properties -v /BOTDAR_HOME/logs:/home/botdar/logs shayaantx/botdar:latest &

# for stable

docker run -d --name botdar -v /BOTDAR_HOME/properties:/home/botdar/config/properties -v /BOTDAR_HOME/logs:/home/botdar/logs shayaantx/botdar:stable &

Or if you want to use docker-compose

version: '2.2'
    image: shayaantx/botdar:latest
    container_name: botdar
       - /BOTDAR_HOME/properties:/home/botdar/config/properties
       - /BOTDAR_HOME/logs:/home/botdar/logs


  • Type help in discord to get information about commands and what is supported
  • Type movies help in discord to get information about movie commands
  • Every minute notifications will appear indicating the current downloads, their status, and their time remaining.

Radarr Tips

  1. Just cause you add a movie successfully does not mean the movie will show up instantly or at all

    • The way radarr works is you search for a film, then add it, then radarr will start searching through all the configured indexers for a torrent
    • that matches the configure quality profiles the admin user has set. i.e., if there is only a CAM version of the film you want out there
    • but the master user of radarr has configured to disallow CAM quality, then it will not download.
    • If you use "movie find downloads TITLE" or "movie find all downloads TITLE" it can show you the downloads available through radarr for your requested/existing film.
    • Although this functionality is not complete yet, as movies with similar titles will conflict and not show you downloads.
    • I also need to somehow add functionality to let you force specific downloads as well.
  2. movie title add

    • This command will specifically try to add a movie based on title alone. Sometimes there are movies that have same titles or very similar titles
    • When the title cannot be added by title alone, multiple movies will be returned. Embedded in the results is a command to add the movie with an id
    • The command will look something "movie add John Wick: Chapter 4 603692". This command uses the movie title plus the TMDBID to add the movie
  3. movie profiles

    • and this profile is used when identifying downloads.
    • This command shows you all the profiles available in radarr, it does NOT tell you which is the default profile. The default profile is configured by the bot admin
    • and this profile is used when identifying downloads.
  4. movie find new

    • This command uses radarr search api to identify new films.
    • Embedded in the results are commands to add the films directly, like "movie add Ad Astra 570820"
  5. movie find existing

    • This command finds any existing films and gives you information about them.
    • It will tell you if the movie has been downloaded and if the radarr has the file.

Sonarr Tips

  1. Just like radarr, when you add a show with sonarr it doesn't automatically mean the show will magically appear. It really depends
  • on how many trackers your sonarr installation has and how diverse the content within said trackers is.

TODO: need to add more tips for sonarr

Stuff I might add in the future

  1. Interactive season search/download (only available in v3 sonarr)
  2. Per episode search/download
  3. Cancelling/blacklisting downloads (movies and tvshows)
  4. When I implement lidarr support I want to search by song instead of just artist/album (since lidarr doesn't support song search)