The Config files i have uploaded are the original configs for the Neptune 4 Pro. These are to help anyone who needs to go back to default or who as messed up there configs some how :)
As of 02/09/2023 the Deb file is the latest version 1.2 for the neptune 4 Pro.
Use included USB Drive. create a folder on the root of the device called "ELEGOO_UPDATE_DIR" add the ELEGOO_APP.deb to the folder. Put the USB back into the machine go to about on the settings page and click the update button. after a reboot it should be back on. if your printer is only showing 1 heated bed instead of 2 then use the printer.cfg i have uploaded to replace the one on the device.
GCode path received from Klipper does not match expected path or after installing crowsnest you find you are missing config files.
SSH into your printer using somthing like Putty
Username : mks
Password : makerbase
cd ~/moonraker/scrirpts/
sudo sh
This will fix your missing files :)
0.20mm @Neptune 4.json Elegoo Neptune 4.json Generic PLA.json
It seems the updates also changed the stepper current of X and Y to 1.2 After a few prints i started to recive over temp error on the X. Changing the Current back down to 0.8 Fixed this issue.