A public rails web application that allows people all over the world to "mix" cocktails.
Objective: Build a three-model Rails app with cocktails, doses, ingredients
View this project live at https://mrscocktails.herokuapp.com/
Draw schema with n:n relationships
Use of command line to create rails app
MVC framework (db -> model -> routes -> controller -> view)
Tested on rails s & rails c
Implemented UI using HTML, SCSS, aos, Bootstrap
Ruby 2.6.6
RubyGems (autoprefixer, font-awesome, simple_form etc)
Used rails helpers (link_to, simple_form_for)
postgreSQL & Active Record Storage
Cloudinary for photo cloud storage
- Heroku
Methods: informal, first impressions, exploratory tasks, directed tasks
User complaints of no delete function to reverse actions
Most users were accessing app from mobile - difficulties with navigating app due to unresponsive design for mobile screens
When users created a cocktail, they were redirected to cocktails index page. No flow in terms of prompting them to add doses to cocktail
User complaints of limited ingredient options
Improved UX by implementing more CRUD actions
Implemented "add a dose" feature on "/cocktail/:id"
Implemented responsive design for sm/md/lg screens
Parsed and seeded ingredients API to provide users with more options
Copywriting: Utilised humanistic vocabulary/verb "mix" instead of "create"