These files can be used to create and maintain a Project Zomboid server based on docker.
A comprehensive explanation of the setup can be found under:
The initial installation procedure can be found on the PZWIKI page. I followed the installation procedure for steamcmd using the steam user within the docker container:
cat >$HOME/update_zomboid.txt <<'EOL'
// update_zomboid.txt
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1 //set to 0 if updating multiple servers at once
@NoPromptForPassword 1
force_install_dir /opt/pzserver/
//for servers which don't need a login
login anonymous
app_update 380870 validate
The script needs to be executed afterwards:
steamcmd +runscript $HOME/update_zomboid.txt
The automatic update ist conducted from outside the container. The "" needs to be stored under /etc/cron.hourly for this purpose.