This is a ShapeBlue customer patch release that includes the following changes on top of upstream release: packages repository
EL7: http://packages.shapeblue.com/cloudstack/upstream/el7/4.17/
EL8: http://packages.shapeblue.com/cloudstack/upstream/el8/4.17/
Debian: http://packages.shapeblue.com/cloudstack/upstream/debian/4.17/
Upgrade instructions
- Applicability: this patch can be applied in an environment that has Apache CloudStack installed
- Recommended: Test the patch in your test/validation environment before upgrading to production
- Backup your production DB dump before upgrading to this patch release
- Check and upgrade any installed cloudstack packages (such as cloudstack-management, cloudstack-common, cloudstack-agent) using the above EL7, EL8 or Debian repositories. On some enviroments, you may also upgrade using downloaded rpms directly using rpm or yum localinstall.
- Post upgrade, restart the upgraded services such as cloudstack-management
- Full Changelog: https://github.com/shapeblue/cloudstack/commits/
Steps to validate the fix
1.Create 2 domains
2.Create a network offering and associate with the 2 domains
3.Execute the list network oferring api call and pass both the domainid's
4.It should list the network offering assoicated with both domains
Steps to validate the fix
1.Enable vm.configdrive.force.host.cache.use in Global Configuration.
2.Create a L2 network with config drive
3.Deploy a vm with the L2 network created in previous step
4.Stop the vm and destroy vm (not expunge it)
5.Stop the cloudstack-agent on the KVM's host
6.Expunge the vm
7.The vm should get expunged without any issues