This is a dirty hack of the composite drivers for GoGoGate drivers by mgroeninger to give iSmartGate management in Hubitat. Features are:
- Parent driver installs for iSmartGate device endpoint itself This allows:
- Multiple door devices to detected/installed for a single iSmartGate (up to the supported three)
- The lights to be controlled
- Minimizes http requests to the device for polling
- Child devices present doors as both door controls and switch controls, making Alexa integration simplier
- Child devices DO NOT report temperature and battery readings for each sensor as I have removed this as I use hardwired sensors without temp/batt support which was causing issues creating the child devices.
NOTE: I have also hardcoded this to use only door 1 & 2 of the iSmartGate - search for the line " for (i in 1..2) {" (line 192 in my file) and change the "2" to be the total number of doors (up to 3 maximum) you have configured.
Installation info is similar to below but use iSmartGate versions of the files
- Add the child device driver to Drivers Code on your Hubitat hub from
- Add the parent device driver to Drivers Code on your Hubitat hub from
- Create a Virtual Device (under devices) of type "GoGoGate 2 Parent"
- Fill in the ip address of your GoGoGate2 device, as well as the username and password you use to access it and save the preferences
- Optionally, change the child device labels to name you would like to use
Credits/Development Progression:
- Started with basic composite plugin framework from
- Relied heavily on for polling logic, URIs and the parse function
- Used log output control from