Looking for maintainers
Python Ring Door Bell is a library written for Python 3.6+ that exposes the Ring.com devices as Python objects.
Currently Ring.com does not provide an official API. The results of this project are merely from reverse engineering.
Documentation: http://python-ring-doorbell.readthedocs.io/
# Installing from PyPi
$ pip install ring_doorbell
# Installing latest development
$ pip install \
import json
import getpass
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pprint
from ring_doorbell import Ring, Auth
from oauthlib.oauth2 import MissingTokenError
cache_file = Path("test_token.cache")
def token_updated(token):
def otp_callback():
auth_code = input("2FA code: ")
return auth_code
def main():
if cache_file.is_file():
auth = Auth("MyProject/1.0", json.loads(cache_file.read_text()), token_updated)
username = input("Username: ")
password = getpass.getpass("Password: ")
auth = Auth("MyProject/1.0", None, token_updated)
auth.fetch_token(username, password)
except MissingTokenError:
auth.fetch_token(username, password, otp_callback())
ring = Ring(auth)
devices = ring.devices()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# All devices
devices = ring.devices()
{'chimes': [<RingChime: Downstairs>],
'doorbots': [<RingDoorBell: Front Door>]}
# All doorbells
doorbells = devices['doorbots']
[<RingDoorBell: Front Door>]
# All chimes
chimes = devices['chimes']
[<RingChime: Downstairs>]
# All stickup cams
stickup_cams = devices['stickup_cams']
[<RingStickUpCam: Driveway>]
devices = ring.devices()
for dev in list(devices['stickup_cams'] + devices['chimes'] + devices['doorbots']):
print('Address: %s' % dev.address)
print('Family: %s' % dev.family)
print('ID: %s' % dev.id)
print('Name: %s' % dev.name)
print('Timezone: %s' % dev.timezone)
print('Wifi Name: %s' % dev.wifi_name)
print('Wifi RSSI: %s' % dev.wifi_signal_strength)
# setting dev volume
print('Volume: %s' % dev.volume)
dev.volume = 5
print('Volume: %s' % dev.volume)
# play dev test shound
if dev.family == 'chimes':
dev.test_sound(kind = 'ding')
dev.test_sound(kind = 'motion')
# turn on lights on floodlight cam
if dev.family == 'stickup_cams' and dev.lights:
dev.lights = 'on'
devices = ring.devices()
for doorbell in devices['doorbots']:
# listing the last 15 events of any kind
for event in doorbell.history(limit=15):
print('ID: %s' % event['id'])
print('Kind: %s' % event['kind'])
print('Answered: %s' % event['answered'])
print('When: %s' % event['created_at'])
print('--' * 50)
# get a event list only the triggered by motion
events = doorbell.history(kind='motion')
devices = ring.devices()
doorbell = devices['doorbots'][0]
doorbell.history(limit=100, kind='ding')[0]['id'],
groups = ring.groups()
group = groups['the-group-you-want']
# Prints True if lights are on, False if off
# Turn on lights indefinitely
group.lights = True
# Turn off lights
group.lights = False
# Turn on lights for 30 seconds
group.lights = (True, 30)
- This project was inspired and based on https://github.com/jeroenmoors/php-ring-api. Many thanks @jeroenmoors.
- A guy named MadBagger at Prism19 for his initial research (http://www.prism19.com/doorbot/second-pass-and-comm-reversing/)
- The creators of mitmproxy (https://mitmproxy.org/) great http and https traffic inspector
- @mfussenegger for his post on mitmproxy and virtualbox https://zignar.net/2015/12/31/sniffing-vbox-traffic-mitmproxy/
- To the project http://www.android-x86.org/ which allowed me to install Android on KVM.