A vim editor plugin that can save some typing when naming an object in programming languages such as C++.
The plugin creates an insert mode mapping for uu
to insert a name based on the preceding type name.
An example:
To enter "SourceLocation source_location;
" type "SourceLocationuu;
Type names can be "CamelCase", "camelCase" or "Starts_with_a_capital". Object names are "lower_case_words_separated_by_underscores".
Where there is only one instance of a class in a particular scope it may make sense to name the object after the name of its type instead of inventing some other name.
Another example:
To enter "SpaceStation mars_space_station;
" type "SpaceStationuu;<Ctrl-o>bmars_
Vundle or Pathogen can be used to install this plugin.