SwiftUI-WeatherApp is weather forecast App that has smart 2D weather animation layout like rain, thunderstorms, cloudy as condition change. I've created using the #swiftui framework.
Hello there, I'm Saumil Shah and in this repository, I'll be posting the code for the API called using openweathermap api.
I hope you'll learn something new and use these and concepts to achieve great animation effects and more for your apps.
Step 1: Open Terminal and go to up to project path
Step 2: Type below command in terminal
For M1 or M2 Silicon chip
arch -x86_64 pod install
For Intel
pod install
Step 3: Add OpenWeatherMap API url and OpenWeatherMap App key in class StringConstants.swift
let apiBaseUrl = ""
let appKey = ""
Step 4: Open SwiftUI-WeatherApp.xcworkspace
Language: SwiftUI
API: OpenWeatherMap
Xcode Version: Xcode 13 and later
- Current temperature
- 5 days forecast
- High and Low temperature of the day
- Sunset and Sunrise time
- Humidity
- Live background weather
- Supported with iPhone and iPad all newer devices.
Please feel free to create pull request.
SwiftUI-WeatherApp is written in SwiftUI and is open source.