A database of device information which includes a mapping of device model identifiers to names.
Add the following dependency to your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/sersoft-gmbh/apple-device-information.git", from: "1.0.0"),
Simply access DeviceInfo.current
and you have access to all information this package currently offers.
For a more detailed documentation of the fields, please have a look at the header docs.
The API is documented using header doc. If you prefer to view the documentation as a webpage, there is an online version available for you.
If you find a bug / like to see a new feature in this package there are a few ways of helping out:
- If you can fix the bug / implement the feature yourself please do and open a PR.
- If you know how to code (which you probably do), please add a (failing) test and open a PR. We'll try to get your test green ASAP.
- If you can do neither, then open an issue. While this might be the easiest way, it will likely take the longest for the bug to be fixed / feature to be implemented.
See LICENSE file.