Covid-19 interactive visualizations to understand the evolution of the illness.
Here is the link to the app, deployed with Heroku. If you can it's better that you clone the repo and run it locally.
This project had been tested with python 3.6, so it's recommended to have an environment with this version of python to make it work.
As this package has
aligned with requirements.txt
, you only need to clone this repository and execute pip install .
in the root of the project.
It's suggested to have an isolated environment activated before doing pip install (conda, venv, pipenv...).
Once you have installed all of the requirements, you run the app with the command streamlit run
and automatically streamlit will open your navigator (localhost, port 8501 by default) and the app is ready, you can play with it!
Note: This is an experiment, if you encounter with any issue, please let me know about it.
You can try also streamlit run
, focused on death trends, as confirmed "cases" depend a lot on the number of tests performed per country.