utilities for EVE online
- market monitor: check items stocks, prices, market volume, warnings about renewal of orders
- build calculator: exact calculation of materials needed for construction of specific amount of selected items
- ore calc inside construction
- load expenses from wallet api (job cost, sell taxes)
go run ./server/app.go
go build -o publica ./server/app.go
run import & reset cache
curl https://eve-static-data-export.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/tranquility/sde.zip --output sde.zip
go run ./sde/app.go --file sde.zip
set variables in var.json by example
sudo mysql -u root
create database publica;
create user 'publica'@'localhost' identified by 'publica';
grant all privileges on publica.* to 'publica'@'localhost';
GRANT PROCESS ON *.* TO 'publica'@'localhost';
./migrate -source=file://server/migrations -database=mysql://$(cat server/vars.json | jq '.DBC' -r) up
mysql -upublica -ppublica publica < publica.dump
cp file1 file1.gz
rm file1
gzip -d file1.gz
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/publica.service
Description=Publica(EVE) server service
systemctl start publica
systemctl status publica
to JetBrains for IDE https://www.jetbrains.com/go/