DIY command-line utility to schedule and publish tweets
go get
git clone
export GOPATH=`pwd`/turret
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
cd turret
# See vendor/ for dependencies
# build turret binary
go build
go test
- Login to your twitter account
- Create an app at
- Click on the "Keys and Access Tokens" tab in newly created app
- From "Application Settings" get "Consumer Key" and "Consumer Secret"
- From "Your Access Token" get "Access Token" and "Access Token Secret"
mkdir ~/.turret
touch ~/.turret/CREDENTIALS
Contents of ~/.turret/CREDENTIALS
<Twitter Consumer Key>
<Twitter Consumer Secret>
<Twitter Access Token>
<Twitter Access Token Secret>
2017-Jan-02 10:30,"Test tweet"
2017-Jan-02 10:33,"Another test tweet"
2017-Jan-03 8:30,"Next day test tweet"
2017-Jan-03 14:15,"Another next day test tweet"
From within the folder of tweets.csv, execute