This package contains a set of utilities for converting output files from various software into ROS bags.
For now, the supported software are:
Clone the package into your catkin workspace and build it.
cd <path/to/catkin/workspace>/src
git clone
rosdep install -y -r --from-paths src --ignore-src
cd .. && catkin_make # or catkin build rosbag_utils if catkin_tools installed
Parameters can be set either in a YAML file or in the command line.
Create a YAML file with the following structure (see config/example_generic.yaml for an example):
INPUT_FILE_NAME: <name of the input file>
OUTPUT_FILE_NAME: <name of the output file>
INPUT_FILE_DIR: <path to the input file directory>
OUTPUT_FILE_DIR: <path to the output file directory>
USE_STAMPED_MESSAGE: <true or false>
INPUT_FILE_PATH: <path to the input file>
OUTPUT_FILE_PATH: <path to the output file>
Other parameters specific to the software can be set as well.
You can run the following command to run a conversion script with parameters set in a YAML file:
rosrun rosbag_utils <conversion_script>.py --config <path/to/config.yaml>
roslauch rosbag_utils <conversion_script>.py --config <path/to/config.yaml>
Data from Motive software can be converted to a CSV file using the GUI:
See for details.
The additional parameters that can be set for Motive conversion are:
TOPIC_PREFIX: <prefix for the topic names>
TOPIC_NAMES: <list of topic names>
See config/example_motive.yaml for an example of a YAML file for Motive conversion with all the parameters set.
The conversion script can be run with the following command:
rosrun rosbag_utils --config <path/to/config.yaml>
Or by setting the parameters in the command line.
- Update the parameter list and examples
- Add conversion scripts for other software
- Test on ROS versions other than Melodic
- Add requirements details
This package is licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License. See the LICENSE file for details.