The Protobuf plugin provides protobuf compilation to your project.
ws.antonov.gradle.plugins:gradle-plugin-protobuf:0.8 - Available on Maven Central
To use the protobuf plugin, include in your build script:
apply plugin: 'protobuf'
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'ws.antonov.gradle.plugins:gradle-plugin-protobuf:0.8'
// Optional - defaults to 'protoc' searching through your PATH
protocPath = '/usr/local/bin/protoc'
// Optional - defaults to value below
extractedProtosDir = "${project.buildDir.path}/extracted-protos"
// Optional - defaults to "${project.buildDir}/generated-sources/${}"
generatedFileDir = "${projectDir}/src" // This directory will get the current appended to it. i.e. src/main or src/test
dependencies {
// If you have your protos archived in a tar file, you can specify that as a dependency
// ... alternative archive types supported are: jar, tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, zip
protobuf files("lib/protos.tar.gz")
// Different configuration fileSets are supported
testProtobuf files("lib/protos.tar")