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3D Hack Examples
All examples provided use the same gamedata, have the 3d hack applied, and only change the hackOptions
to produce different results.
The example gamedata is a modified version of lunar cultivation which includes two rooms with a handful of varied tiles, sprites, and items.
camera follows player and can be freely rotated and zoomed
init: function(scene) {
scene.activeCamera = makeBaseCamera();
camera follows player, but can't be rotated or zoomed
init: function (scene) {
scene.activeCamera = makeBaseCamera(); // creates a camera with some basic presets
makeFollowPlayer(scene.activeCamera); // locks the camera to the player
// set the angle/zoom
// alpha is yaw, beta is pitch, radius is zoom
scene.activeCamera.alpha = Math.PI * 0.5;
scene.activeCamera.beta = Math.PI * 0.4;
scene.activeCamera.radius = 10;
camera is placed at a fixed point and rotates to look at the player (note how this example creates a custom camera instead of using makeBaseCamera
init: function (scene) {
var camera = new BABYLON$1.UniversalCamera("Camera", BABYLON$1.Vector3.Zero(), exports.scene);
// perspective clipping
camera.minZ = 0.001;
camera.maxZ = bitsy.mapsize * 2;
camera.position = new BABYLON$1.Vector3(8,10,-8);
scene.activeCamera = camera;
camera is placed directly on the player, and is rotated with left/right movement (note that you'll typically want a blank avatar for this setup, or they may be visible when turning)
cameraRelativeMovement: true,
tankControls: true,
init: function(scene) {
scene.activeCamera = makeBaseCamera();
scene.activeCamera.lowerRadiusLimit = scene.activeCamera.upperRadiusLimit = 0.0001;
scene.activeCamera.beta = Math.PI/2;
camera uses a fixed orthographic perspective
cameraRelativeMovement: false,
init: function (scene) {
var camera = new BABYLON$1.UniversalCamera("Camera", BABYLON$1.Vector3.Zero(), scene);
makeOrthographic(camera, bitsy.mapsize * Math.sqrt(2));
// place on bottom left corner
camera.position.x = -0.5;
camera.position.y = bitsy.mapsize/2;
camera.position.z = 0.5;
// point towards center at typical isometric angle
camera.rotation.x = Math.atan(0.5);
camera.rotation.y = Math.PI / 4;
scene.activeCamera = camera;
demonstrates the addFog
init: function(scene) {
scene.activeCamera = makeBaseCamera();
// add fog starting 10% of the map's size away from the camera, and ending at 50% of the map's size
addFog(0.1, 0.5);
demonstrates the addShader
helper (example provided is a 1-bit 4x4 bayer dither shader)
init: function(scene) {
scene.activeCamera = makeBaseCamera();
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp float;
// Samplers
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
// Parameters
uniform vec2 screenSize;
// Constants
const float posterize = 1.0;
const mat4 ditherTable = mat4(
1, 8, 2, 10,
12, 4, 14, 6,
3, 11, 1, 9,
16, 7, 13, 5
void main(void) {
vec3 col = texture2D(textureSampler, vUV).rgb;
vec3 raw = vec3(col.r+col.g+col.b)/3.0;
vec3 posterized = raw - mod(raw, 1.0/posterize);
vec2 dit = floor(mod(vUV * screenSize, 4.0));
float limit = ditherTable[int(dit.y)][int(dit.x)];
vec3 dither = step(limit, (raw - posterized) * posterize) / posterize;
col.rgb = vec3(posterized + dither);
gl_FragColor = vec4(col.rgb, 1.0);
}`, 1.0);
customizes getType
and getBillboardMode
to give a different look and feel with customizations specific to the example gamedata (e.g. water tiles are walls, which would ordinarily use 'box'
, but are overriden to use type 'floor'
getType: function (drawing) {
var drw = drawing.drw;
var name = drawing.name || '';
if (drawing.id === bitsy.playerId) {
return 'plane';
if (name === 'water') {
return 'floor';
if (name === 'seat') {
return 'plane';
if (drw.startsWith('ITM') || drw.startsWith('SPR')) {
return 'billboard';
if (['black', 'tree'].includes(name)) {
return 'tower3';
if (drawing.isWall) {
return 'box';
return 'floor';
getBillboardMode: function (BABYLON) {