- plt_BGA.sh: 2-D map of BGA.
- plt_Hmap.sh: 2-D map of H.
- plt_kmap.sh: 2-D map of k.
- plt_ri.sh: Waveform of RFs.
- plt_ri_baz.pl: Match usage with plt_ri_baz.sh.
- plt_ri_baz.sh: Waveform of RFs varied with Baz.
- big_small.sh: Stations map, and there are two maps (big and small map) in this map.
- insertbox.sh: Stations map, and an insert box exists.
- just_stitions.sh: Stations map.
- station_core.sh: Distributed events which focus on a station.
- stations%26events.sh: Stations and events map.
- stations%26topo.sh: Stations map with topography.