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http://www.securitygeneration.com - @securitygen
I'll put some of my random scripts in here until they warrant their own repo.
- ssh_authenum.sh: Test list of hosts/IPs for supported SSH authentication types
- pskdump.sh: Dumps IKE Pre-Shared Keys (PSK) of list of hosts/IPs
- nsesearch.sh: Searches for nmap NSE scripts and prints out help, usage, parameters and sample output
- openports.sh: Prints out all hosts that have the specified port(s) open in gnmap file
- changeMAC.sh: Change Wifi interface MAC address on macOS >= 10.10
- redirector.sh: Follows URLs supplied in a file and outputs HTTP redirects (also reports SSL errors)
- blacklister.[sh|py]: Blacklists the supplied IP address in Dome9 and/or Cloudflare
Honeyport Scripts can be found here: https://github.com/securitygeneration/Honeyport
Pwnie Express Scripts can be found here: https://github.com/securitygeneration/Pwnie-Express-Scripts